
Please help with childs homework project.?

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he needs to design and make something that will stop an egg cracking when it is dropped from a metre high?

thank you




  1. A pillow.

    A 5 gallon bucket full of water.  Maybe a soft of course wet cloth at the bottom.

    A 5 gallon bucket half full of newspaper wadded up.

    A 5 gallon bucket half full with a soft blanket.

  2. Take a look at the egg carton the egg came from in the first place.

  3. Let your child do his own homework he should research and stuff.......think about lightweight stuff that can absorb impact...

  4. poke a small hole in the egg. drain out the yolk. fill the egg through the hole with cotton.this will make it light and lighter things don't fall as haard. i may not work but try it. Good LUck!

    P.S.- is your child in Gifted, because i have been in advanced placment classes since 3rd grade and i have never gotten anything this hard. and this is for a 6 years old.

    P.S.S.- "Love always Korteni" her son can't do research and stuff on his own! he is SIX YEARS OLD!!!


  5. the reebok factory manufactures a gel. an inch thick of this gel can prevent an egg break from 3 storeys.

  6. 1. take a ziplock bag fill it with water put the egg in there and then put that in a small box filled with cotton now drop it.

  7. Man, I never did this. Try wrapping with Duck Tape?

    The link tell how they protect the egg with 30 paper towels and drop from about 2/3 meter (24 inches) you may need 40 paper towels for 1 meter.

    I went back and watched the video, actually a very interesting presentation and other possible suggestions.

    I just tried a big bowl of Corn Flakes Cereal, and it worked, Ha!!! :-p

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