
Please help with electrostatic force physic problem!!!?

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Honeybees actively foraging in the field have been found to be electrically charged, due largely to air resistance as they fly. The charges carried by a bee, which can be as great as 95 pC, is thought to play a significant role in pollination -- the bee can detach grains of pollen from a distance, like a charged comb attracting bits of paper. Given the force required to detach pollen from an avocado stigma is 3.5 multiplied by 10-10 N, find the maximum distance at which the electrostatic force between a bee and a grain of pollen is sufficient to detach the pollen. Treat the bee and pollen as point charges, and assume that the pollen has a charge opposite in sign and equal in magnitude to the bee.




  1. The magnitude of the electrostatic force is given by Coulomb's law:

    F = (1/(4∙π∙ε₀))∙q₁∙q₂/r²

    Because the two charges are identical

    F = (1/(4∙π∙ε₀))∙q²/r²

    This Force need to exceed a minimum  force to detach the pollen.shall exceed a minimum lift force:

    F ≥ Fmin


    (1/(4∙π∙ε₀))∙q²/r² ≥ F_min


    r ≤ q / √ (4∙π∙ε₀∙F_min)


    r ≤ 95×10⁻¹²C / √( 4∙π ∙ 8.854×10⁻¹²C²/Nm ∙ 3.5×10⁻¹⁰N )


    r ≤ 0.4814m

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