
Please help with listening dictation: "Lobster Boy" at Ad Council?

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English is my second language. As a part of my continuous English study, I am doing a listening dictation of an ad as follows:


(Or go to and search "Lobster Boy".)

There is just one portion where I can not figure out what the Lobster Boy says to his girlfriend. The portion and phrases before and after it are as follows:


(around 30 seconds from the beginning)

Girlfriend: You have bad karma. What were you doing right before the claws?

Lobster Boy: Nothing. <I am not able to figure out this portion.>

Girlfriend: Right... so maybe some good karma like helping out in the community, working out in a soup kitchen, something.


For those whose mother tongue is English, it should be a piece of cake. Your help is really appreciated!




  1. &quot;Nothing. Shooting bottle rockets at paddle boats&quot;

    (This is a bottle rocket, by the way, just so you don&#039;t think I&#039;m trying to make you fail by giving you nonsense words :)  :    -- and this is a paddle boat: )

    Fun question. You&#039;re pretty good at hearing English since you understood the rest. If you ever need more help, message me. :)

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