
Please help with me cat, i need info from experienced cat owners?

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hi i know I've ask similar question in the last week but i'm new to owning a cat and i got him from a man who kept the cat in a bedroom as the dog and cat never got on, he's 8mths old I've had him two weeks now his been neutered last week had jab's and been wormed and flead, i started to let him out in the front garden last week just to familiarize himself with his home he was cautious at first but has got more confident over time he did run off ? on sunday for 3 hours but came back i haven't let him out since as i don't want to lose him but now he keeps miowing all the time at my door i live in a cul-de-sac and there are around 10 other cats here so am sure he would be o.k once introduce and accepted outside should i let him out how long untill his hormones are gone from the nutering this could be the cause of his miowing only it seem like i'm being crawl keeping him in, if he wants to go out !! as he seems to be asking me too!!




  1. He came back

    I don't think you will lose him and  I think it is ok to just let him out, try going out with him a little bit and also try gaining a call that he will recognise as you for him. I call my cats back by going pss  pss pss and then clicking with my ,mouth. My rules for mjy cats are that they can go outside when they want but they efinitely have to be in before I go to bed an usually I call them in if I am going to work or going to be gone for more then a few hours. In general they listen and it works

    Best of luck

  2. Has he been vaccinated for Feline Leukemia Virus?  This is a huge disease for cats, and if one in the neighborhood has it he can pass it along.  It can kill your cat.  You are not being cruel by keeping him in, he just wants to go outside and knows that if he keeps after you, you'll let him out.  I wouldn't recommend leaving him outside if you aren't there.  There are so many other things outside that can harm him (cars, dogs, other cats).  I'd hate to hear he had been in a scuffle, received a puncture would from another cat and then developed an abscess from the bacteria trapped in the bite wound.  Or worse, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV--feline AIDS) or Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).  Both very bad.

    I sit outside on the deck with my cats but they come back inside with me when I go inside.  I do this because not everyone is as responsible about their cats' health as I am.  You can't be sure those other cats are healthy, so you need to be sure you are keeping your cat healthy and safe.

  3. It will take up to six weeks after neutering for his hormones to drop enough so he won't be calling for girls.  Definitely keep him inside until then as he could get into some serious trouble fighting with other cats during this time.

    It will be hard to listen to him (and painful sometimes if he is really loud) but just remember that this is the best thing for him at this time.  As the days go by, he will get more accustomed to being indoors and less frantic to be outside.  Hopefully, you will decide to keep him as an indoor cat so you can have him as a healthy and happy friend for a very long time.

  4. If you had NEVER let him out in the first place, you wouldn't be having this problem.  Once a cat gets the smell of the outside, he wants to be there.  Cats who've never been out the door, don't know any different, than the inside of the house!

    You CAN retrain him, but it's going to take awhile.  The man you got him from (who you think was mean) was only protecting him from..........other cats and their illnesses, dogs, vehicles (traffic), lawn pesticides, people who like to abuse cats, poisons, poisonous toads, antifreeze under cars, etc etc etc.

    Now that you've neutered him, to help prevent more litters, cat fights and marking, AND to keep him healthier during his lifetime.....WHY do you want him to be subjected to all the dangers and traumas of the outside?

    Get him a lot of toys, and PLAY WITH him.  Keep him occupied, and distract him from the outside.  If necessary, get him a playmate.  Two cats will keep each other company IN THE HOUSE, and not always be wanting to go outside.  IF he sees the other cats outside, he's going to want to be out there with, try to keep him from being able to see out the windows.

    Good luck...............Hope you succeed in keeping him in the house, where he'll be safer!

  5. Cats find food no matter what

  6. HE will come back because he knows you feed him so he will come back for some food so you won't loose him!My cat done it all the time but he always come back because he wanted food as soon as he came in he want for his food faster than you could say Lemon really fast so don't worry!!

  7. with my personal experience, cats always come back to where they are fed. I had two cats who were outside/inside cats and they loved to be outside, except when it rained. lol. Anyway, it's up to you if you want to let him out, but I still say that they will always come back, of course if they are treated well. So, choose wisely he'll get over it im sure if you keep him inside. Probably should keep him inside if there is a lot of traffic.

  8. i have both male and female cats all have been fixed. none of them are outside cats. make sure your cat has different things indoors to entertain himself. It doesn't have to be fancy store bought toys. Make things for him to play with and set up a few places where he can 'hide' to sleep. I wouldn't let him out again. he will adjust to being indoors and in the long run you will have a healthier cat.

  9. Don't worry so much, cats can take care of themselves, let him out and he will be back when he's hungry. Just make sure he has his license.

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