
Please help with my 'asthma' problem!?

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I asked a question yesterday about my Doctor giving me two inhalers and not telling me what was wrong with me (my old account won't let me in this morning!).

I made an appointment with another Doctor this morning to get a second opinion, and he says I have classic asthma symptoms - wheezing etc. and wonders why it wasn't found years ago. However, I have never had any symptoms. Sure, I get out of breath when I run, but I never thought it was more than anybody else. I don't understand why it's not been picked up!?

He also showed me how to use the inhalers but I don't know whether to use them or not - I mean, I don't need them if I've not felt any symptoms, right?

Please, please help!




  1. If you feel that you're about running out of breath for some strange reason, take it and one puff may do you good (the one that prevents the asthma). But if you ARE running out of breath, take the one that stops your lungs from constricting (the one that stops asthma).

  2. Yes you do. You will have probably been given preventers. If in England there brown and green or a combination one which is purple. The blue one is for when you can't actually breath. If your diagnosed with asthma take the medication, it's more important than people think!

  3. There are different types of inhalers.  Some are "rescue" inhalers that are used when you have an asthma attack.  Other are preventative and are used on a regular basis whether or not you have any symptoms.  They help prevent asthma attacks.  

    You might have what is called " exercise induced asthma."  This is exactly what it seems.  Asthma that is brought on by exercise.  It might not show at a doctor's appointment unless you have been exercising just before you were seen.

    It's a good idea to get your asthma under control.   So, ask your pharmacist what kind of inhalers you have.  Go ahead and used them as your doctor directed.  You might find that you feel better than usual.

    God bless

  4. They are probably preventers that you have been given, i was first diagnosed with asthma at 27 after a severe attack putting me in hospital, that was first time i ever knew i had it. I was like you, a little out of breath at times but never thought anything of it. After that attack they put me on inhalers, 2 preventers and 1 rescue inhaler,they told me I had probably had a mild form of asthma all my life but it had never been picked up as I had never mentioned my breathlessness.  I've had 3 bad asthma attacks since that first one at 27, god knows what would have happened if i hadn't got my inhalers!!!  3 years on my asthma is now very well controlled. You may not think you need your inhalers but your doctor obviously does, I'm glad I listened to my doctors!!!!!

  5. Let me brutal for a moment .... why did you go to the doctor if you plan to disregard him/her?

    You already have seemed to have decided on the answer to your question before you asked it ....

    Now .. whether or not you meds are indicated .... depends on the quality of your physician .... did you do spirometry (lung function tests)??

    Just because your wheezing doesn't mean that you have Asthma ... highly probable but small percentage of cases reveal other problems ....

    Based on the information you have given ... I would not be able to answer your question ... but do obviously raise a brow on your decision to disregard your physicians prescription ...

    I wish you the best and hope that whatever you do works out for you :)

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