In 3k two mornings a week-put her in KNOWING she has social issues - thought it may "help". Teachers say she doesn't talk in class or socialize. Limited eye contact. Has had eval by district and "doesn't qualify for spec ed".
She was rated (by me) as having a "definite difference" is all 4 quad of sensory test. Test was tossed out as "that isn't possible". Social skills tested at 24 m/o. Spacial portion of IQ was "borderline delayed" at 82. Knowledge was 106. Can't understand verbal directions, but can learn great visually.
District made me out to be exaggerating or attention-seeking. Said could be parenting. DD is just challenging us and will do well 5 days/wk in 4k. Now mind you her teachers that pushed me for eval.
Not sure what to do. Is she "on the spectrum", is there bad parenting?, is she just very shy and immature?, all of the above. She is "difficult" at home. Has recently begun wetting. 4yr visit in a month. Discuss with ped? Will be shattered being told it's me again.