
Please help with my bills and the environment!?

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I live in the UK in a council flat, which means I cannot do anything as drastic as insulating my walls as it's only a rented property. I already use energy saving lightbulbs, only have my heating on when I need it, turn lights off when I leave a room and turn appliances off at the wall instead of leaving them on standby. But still, my bills are huge! Are there any other things I can be doing to help the environment and cut down on my bills?




  1. If you are allowed to repaint the interior, you can add some Hy-tech insulating ceramic mix to the paint. It adds a measure of insulation to the walls (roughly R5 with two coats of paint and ceramic mixture). That will save some money on heating and cooling. Check out their website linked below.

    I would also ensure you have thick drapes on all windows. Seal the tops of each drape as well; I used to use a blanket. I installed extra supports on my curtain rod just for that.

    The programmable thermostat mentioned is a great idea, too. Also, consider lowering the temperature on your water heater.

  2. I live in the US and I've been able to reduce my bills quite a bit by running only one major appliance at a time.. I used to run the washer/dryer, dishwasher, vacuum etc.. When we moved and I got the first electric bill I was SHOCKED it was almost triple what I was used to!  So, now I've changed my bulbs to energy efficient ones and only use the lights when I absolutely need to... We're lucky I can open the blinds and the nature light is enough till sundown!  In the winter we use our woodburning stove to heat the livingroom so the heat doesn't kick on/off all day/night!   I've also found that "vampire" electricity is a real problem... That's when you have appliance that you don't use plugged in and they still draw power... Like small kitchen appliances or your cell phone, ipod/mp3 chargers and computer... So, you can try to put them on a power strip and turn them off when not in use or unplug them till you need them!  

    You might want to try plastic sheeting on your windows if you use heat/AC it will keep either the heat in/cool out in the winter OR keep the cool air IN and the warm air out in the summer... You can apply/remove very easily... The film goes onto the windows with double sided tape and you use your hairdryer to "shrink" it... You can also use doors gap fillers either homemade or storebought to seal the bottom of the doors where heat/air can escape...

    Shorten showers to 5 mins, Wash laundry in COLD.... If you have a dishwasher use only when full on time delay to run at night while you are asleep...

    Turn your heat DOWN and dress warmer when inside....

    ** Have an energy audit done and find out why the bills are so high.. Generally done by your electric company!

    Good luck

  3. Here in the US you can ask your local utility company to come in and check your home for an energy audit.  Try asking your landlord (person that owns the flat) to insulate or ask them if you can do something like put plastic on the windows in the winter.  (if you get snow)  You can go to a home improvement store and they can give you helpful hints also.

  4. Do you have a programmable thermostat?  My husband and I installed one and it cut our bill in half.  We have the heat turn down when we aren't home or we are sleeping.  Look at how long your tv and computer are on.  They suck up the electricity.

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