
Please helpppp ?!?

by Guest61889  |  earlier

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i have for homework about ireland !!!

can you tell me some of countries where ireland export (bring) things to, like fruits and stuff.

can you tell me some countries that bring ireland some stuff. like africa brings bananas to ireland etc.





  1. You are already (Obviously) on the internet .... Google it.  I already graduated from school, and don't do homework any more.

  2. Put your search engine to work and look up that information. Try searching on "ireland import" and/or "Ireland export" (no quotes).

    Good luck!

  3. sweaters!!  Don't forget wool sweaters!  There are roughly 6 million people in Ireland and 9 million sheep...they have to do SOMETHING with the outsides!

    Also check out "Irish Linen" and Waterford Crystal (made in Waterford, Ireland)

  4. economy it has alot of info.

  5. This is a really easy question to look up.. Take a look at the CIA world fact book and Wikipedia (links below)

    Exports: $102 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.)

    Export goods: machinery and equipment, computers, chemicals, pharmaceuticals; live animals, animal products

    Main export partners: United States 18.7%, United Kingdom 17.3%, Belgium 15.1%, Germany 7.3%, Netherlands 4.8% (2005)

    Imports $65.47 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.)

    Import goods: data processing equipment, other machinery and equipment, chemicals, petroleum and petroleum products, textiles, clothing

    Main import partners: UK 36.8%, United States 13.8%, Germany 9.1%, Netherlands 4.5% (2005)

  6. Irska ekonomija pre 1980. godine bila je "tradicionalno" ustrojena i ne naročito uspešna. Tada je Irska znatno zaostajala za Ujedinjenim Kraljevstvom i ostalom Zapadnom Evropom. U tadašnjoj irskoj ekonomiji poljoprivreda je imala važniju ulogu. Od 1980. godine dolazi do velikih promena.

    Danas je Irska drugi svetski najveći izvoznik računarskih programa. Gotovo trećina svih personalnih računala prodanih u Evropi proizvedena je u Irskoj, i to većinom u američkim fabrikama.

    Uspoređujući nivo razvenosti Irske i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, možemo zaključiti da je Irska, kao tradicionalno nerazvijena, uspela u 20-ak godina dostignuti Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo. Na primer, Irska je 1977. godine imala 65 % narodnog bruto dohotka po stanovniku Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, a 2000. godine taj broj je iznosio čak 93 %. Jedan drugi pokazatelj navodi da je kupovna moć Iraca više nego Šveđana, Nemaca, Francuza, Britanaca ili Italijana

  7. We export a lot of meat to a lot of middle eastern countries,

    Beef and dairy(best in the world) for a long long time one of our main industries,

    Egypt is a big importer of irish foodstuffs.Turkey takes our lamb.

    The football has changed recently as ireland has gotten a lot more into service and technoligy,

    Ireland i think is the worlds 3rd biggest exporter of CDS/DVDs,

    Also we have a heck of a lot of pharmasutical plants,all the big companies are here.

    Fruits and stuff mostly comes from the west indies.

    On the food front we are pretty much self sufficiant,Where i grew up you could walk for 20 minutes and come across,distilleries,bakeries, breweries , abittars , animal feed factories,dairies,sweet factories,you could buy local vegtables it used to be a market garden area and you could buy fish down at the market.We even had our own tea importer.

    Further down the road there was irish steel.

    Gone now are dunlops,Fords and the ship builders.

    Major things we can not supply for ourselves would be coffee,fruit,cars and lorries,oil.

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