
Please help!(really longgg so dont bother if you dont care)?

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i start my first year of high school on the 28th of august. Its really unusal for me because im usually estatic about school starting. This year is the exact opposite. Im dreading that day. Everything is seeming to go wrong. First of all my mom and dad wont be able to give as much money for school shopping as the used to. My dads only contributing 60 or 70 dollars. Thats only enough for a freakin pair of sneakers. To makeee materrrs worse my best friend has to go to another school. The only thing that i keep thinking of is arriving to school on the first day by myself. Now dont get me wrong i haveee a bunch of other friends just none likeee her. Im just afriad that my other friends will makeee new friends and ill have no one. Likeee what if i dont haveee lunch with any of my other friends? Who will I sit with? And the one thing that keeps playing in my head is my best friends cousin sayin that he thought i was uglyy anddd that i act likeee im all that anddd he also said he was gunna makeee sureee i get madeee fun of. (trust me he can makeee it happen. he's gunna be a senior. at a party i think all of his friends were laughing at me anddd i felt horrible about myself. i dont want every day of high school to be likeee that.) Im so terrified. i haveee never been made fun of to the point where i would cry. And i definitely dont think im all that. If he knew what he was talking about he would know that i've suffered from low self esteem for the longest. i've always been in the "in" crowd and im just afraid that will all change once high school starts. Please helppp. tell me what i should do or something. Im really scareddd urghhh i hate this.




  1. ok first of all school isnt all about the clothes your wear. Buy cheaper sneakers and do some shopping and some later. Make some money yourself. You don't need to do all your shopping at once. And the freshmans always get picked on. Just get used to it. Make some more friends. You can never have too many friends. and if you don't have lunch with any of your current friends go find a table with some nice girls that you maybe don't know that well in your grade and ask to sit with them. Maybe you'll make friends like that. Just think positive.  

  2. I think you're "making mountains out of anthills": you're just freaking out because of all the stuff that's been happening recent. Don't worry so much! You still contact your best friend and who knows? Maybe this year you'll find a new best friend. You'll be fine once you calm down a bit.

  3. You sound so superficial, it's hard for me to pity you at all. So what if you think $60 or $70 isn't enough? You should feel grateful for the fact that your parents can even afford your school things, and that they aren't taking supplies from a donation box. Some people do, so don't even try to make everyone pity you because you get that much money. Spending that much on shoes is ridiculous anyway, and any smart shopper wouldn't even consider it. To someone else, even $70 could mean they can feed their family for a few days.

    Instead of spending your time whining that you have no one to hang out with, find someone. Sheesh, it's not that hard. You're in an establishment full of people your age, so just go out and find your own friends or be friends with the ones you have.

    And get over whatever people said about you. Your problem is that you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself to even get over it. Who cares what someone says about you? Does it change who you are? Didn't think so.

    So to narrow it all down, your problem is you're too self centered. Get over yourself and maybe you'll actually see that what you have isn't so bad.

  4. You've gotta just stop thinking about it. As I am reading your question, I am realizing that you are coming up with scenarios for the worst possible situations. If you are really friends with those people then they'll have your back.  If not then s***w them, their loss, you can always make more very easily i am sure. So stop worrying about it. Have fun the rest of the summer and whatever happens August 28 happens, but one way or another someone will be there to back you up.

  5. yo calm down highschool is no big deal. i am in grade 11 and i am fine i was never made fun of or pushed into lockers its not like you see on tv and with the freinds issue dont worry my freinds tripled when i got the highschool your friend will have other friends from other feeder schoolsbut you will soon be friends with your friends friends. that is the best way to meet new people and its not like on tv where you have a the losers table at lunch i am friends with almost every 11 grader and half the 12 graders youll find that you will make tons of friends through links from your other friends. o ya and knowone will care that much about the clothes to a certain degree.

  6. It my first year too! highschool is bigger the only way ur gonna have tht many problems is if you be a big drama queen about everything!!! besides that u have other friends going there right? I have ONE and a bunch of stalkers!!!! u got it better and im sure if u dont act like a freak you'll make friends and there wont be anything to worry about.

    no ofense  

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