
Please how do i eradicate snakes,they are killing my pigs and goats on my farm?

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Please how do i eradicate snakes,they are killing my pigs and goats on my farm?




  1. I'm gonna have to assume you mean poisonous snakes.. and that your not in the US?  

    If you have that many that live stock death is a issue.. then your land must be ripe feeding or breeding land for them.  remove all cover for them to hide in.  Try and discourge rodents ( prime snake food).. contact your local gov and see what they say about it

  2. Do you have andacondas and retics on your property? If it is a poisonous snake call an animal control and they will relocate the snakes. You can also do what I do with the poisonous snakes on my property. Get a shotgun and have some fun. I keep petsnakes but nothing vemomous. I would have them moved but the 5 year old neighborhood kids almost get bitten dailey so i have to do it

  3. What the! You got an infestation of like huge boids or what?! That must suck, giant snakes killing your livestock..

    No, i assume you mean poisonous snakes? Get in touch with the authorities, they should be able to help

  4. what the h*ll kind of snakes do you have on your farm? anacondas??? pigs and goats are pretty big animals so that sucker must be big...well its gotta be more than one b/c usually if a snake eats that big of a meal its good for a while

  5. Try moth balls. They used to make poison granules you could put down to eradicate them but I haven't seen any in years. Flea and tick poison will deter them. Moth balls act as a deterrent.

    The only other way I know of is to burn off your pasture when the grass gets dray enough.

  6. Call animal control.  Eradicating them yourself is probably illegal.

    And what snakes in the US kill livestock?

  7. This is a big issue.  However there is only one answer.  Since I do not know where you live it is hard to be accurate, but you must first contact a local agency that specializes in conservation.  For all you know this snake could be a protected specie.  If it is not, then you still need a specialist.  Because you obviously have more than one snake.  It sounds like you have a whole nest, or colony.    You could try any old trick that people, could offer, but it sounds like you have a lot of snakes.  Your sure bet to protect you livestock and investment in them is to contact a local animal control, or conservationist.

  8. Get somebody in to catch them and take them away, don't try and poison them it probably won't work

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