
Please how long can someone last in 30 degree water plane just crashed in area?

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this happen 45 minutes ago off the maine coast




  1. Exhaustion or unconsciousness in 15 minutes,

    expected survival time is 15-45 minutes.


    take look at this. chart at the bottom of page

  3. I live in Northern California on the San Francisco Bay where we have three airports on the Bay.  The runways land and take off except for San Jose over water (cold water) about 49 degrees year round.  Here we practice arriving on an accident site within 5-minutes.  The reason is after 5-minutes in 49 degree water people cannot move their limbs.

    A person can survive longer than 5-minutes, but it is very difficult to rescue them when they can’t talk or listen because of the cold that has set in shutting down vital organs and being able to reason.

  4. Less than 15 minutes. The cold saps your strength very quickly. This was the cause of many deaths by sailors in the North Atlantic during WWII.



  5. The rule of thumb is 50 minutes in 50 degrees.

  6. typically in that cold of water less than 5 minutes. Time varies with the person, the more body fat a person has, the more insulated the main organs are, so the time can increase quite a bit, for a very skinny person, could be less.

    A side note, is that the person may not die in 5 mins, just their body will have already begun to shut down to try and conserve body warmth. this means that the blood is pulled from the extremities, and this is why people drown relativly quickly, is that the limbs do not have the strength to hold their head above water, and the body goes into shock very quick.

    Whoever, cold water, usually below freezing also helps for the resucation of that person if manged to be pulled out, or if floating. The cold water slows the heart rate down very quickly, and actually keeps the brain from straving from oxygen, which causes brain damage in about 8 mins at room temp. The have been survial stories of people brought back to life that have been floating in freezing water after over an hour, and their bodies and blood slowly allowed to warm up with the help of blood transfusion machines that oxygenate the blood, preventing brain damage..

  7. Assuming they're dressed in regular street clothes when their plane crashed, and they survived the crash, and can keep their head above water, they'll be alive for about 5 minutes.

    Now, if the water is 30 degrees celcius, then that's different.

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