
Please hurry 103.2 fever?

by  |  earlier

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My 4yr old has had a low grade fever yesterday and today. It has ran about 100 but tonight it has gone up to 101, 102.2 and just now 103.4... i have been giving motrin and Tylenol since yesterday.... She isn't throwing up but she says she hurts everywhere... She wont eat or drink... Do we need to go to the hospital or wait it out... Please help




  1. If she spikes a higher fever suddenly, it is a good time to take her to the ER. What do you have to loose besides time? She's too young to pin point what's going on herself, so she needs a medical expert to do that for her. Not eating or drinking for pro-longed periods of time, and high fever need medical attention. Please take her.

  2. Since she's so little and its hard for her to really detail what is hurting, you may want to take her to the dr just in case she has an ear infection or a virus.

  3. you need to take her to a doctor or some sort of clinic.  she's not being specific about whats hurting her and you have no way of knowing what it could be.  

  4. Go to the hospital

  5. Take her in, when I was young I had one of the highest fevers ever, they had to submerge me in an ice bath to take it down. I would say to you, go to the hospital cause its life threatning.

  6.   You should take her to the ER- you are doing the right thing by medicating her, but need some evaluation- possibly blood testing, blood cultures, urine samples, and possibly x-rays.   Don't wait around.  The fact that she is not eating or drinking will cause the fever to worsen.  She may also need hydration if she is dehydrated.  If the fever gets too high, she could have a febrile seizure.  See to it that you do not bundle her with lots of clothes as it will worsen the fever.    

  7. I have a four year old son, and when his fever continues to rise, even with Motrin and Tynenol, I take him up to the don't want to mess around, ya know??  It's better to be safe, and know that it's just a viral thing...Good Luck, and God Bless your little one...

  8. Wake up your doctor now! Let Him decide what you should do, that's what he is getting paid the Big Bucks for. Good luck and I hope your little one is feeling better soon!

  9. Assuming she has no underlying health issues and not allergic...

    Tylenol every 4 hrs

    AND Motrin every 6 hrs

    luk warm bath

    let her sleep in her skibbies with alight blanket

    Let her keep a sippy cup in her bed and encourage her to drink at least a little

    If this doesn't work then....

    If it is something you are wondering "should I call??" then CALL I would rather the Dr tell me she will be fine vs. yelling at me that I should have called earlier!! I love my babies MORE than I love the Dr. getting sleep!!!  He should have picked a different profession if he did not want calls in the middle of the night! LOL

    Good luck

  10. first you are not giving the dose right dosage 10mg/kg every 6 hours    for motrin.   check the bottle again   if it gives the dosage by age and your child larger than the age group u r under dosing.  i know u should not calculate the dosage  first  give child both tylenol and motrin    then every 6 hours give motrin  tylenol every four hours like clock work    even if the fever goes down   [kinda the point]  the main concern is dehydration  [kids tolerate high fever better than adults]  kids will often eat popsicles when they will not anyhing else  go to the er if  she stops peeing every 4 hours  or you can not control the fever [ although she will if a do the above]    once she feels better when    the fever breaks  get those fluids in until she pees clear  [do not get get over zealous  and force fluids that she throws up, be reasonable]  e mail me and let me


  11. Hospital NOW!

    104.0 or higher could be deadly because a lot of lil kids have convoulsions and could choke on their tounge.

    HOSPITAL!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I would take her in since dehydration is something you will have to watch out for especially if she is not eating or drinking.  She will probably need an IV with fluids. Take her.

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