
Please i need any advice. On being pregnant.?

by Guest57246  |  earlier

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Umm this is a little strange. well anyways. I'm 18 college freshman. I'm prego but don't know what to do. If my family finds out they will not only kick me out but disown me. Also i don't believe in abortions. I need to know where to go to get an ultrasound, or a check up at least. I Live in Springfield MA. Please i need help, also something doesn't feel right. I have to find out if my baby is okay. I just need a little advice. So if you can help me, PLEASE answer ASAP.




  1. Have you had any prenatal care yet. Below is teh Address and phone number for Plannned parenthood they have counclers there who can talk to you and also provide some medical care.

    3550 Main Street, Suite 201

    Springfield, MA 01107

    P: 617.616.1600

    F: 413.739.5812

    or 1-800-230-PLAN  

  2. Well ask your doctor to find you a ultrasound. As for the abortions, dont do it. If you really dont want the baby look into adoption. If you want the baby maybe marry the dad or just keep the baby.

  3. Do you mean you cant go to the doctor because your family will find out?  Research the area to find out where there is a free clinic or even a Planned Parenthood if you dont have insurance. They will help you! Dont be embarrassed either, they see several cases daily and will be glad that you went to check yourself out!!! Please do this asap! Everything will be okay! Good luck sweetie!  

  4. First, I live in RI so i don't really know about MA.  But there should be free clinics that test your pregnancy.  If you trust your doctor you can also go to them ominously and ask for the proper tests.  They should not tell your family or anything because you are 18.  Now, are you SURE you will get disowned?  I know a lot of young people feel helpless and are scared of their parents disappointment.  But if it is just disappointment then you will be okay.  They will get over it and hopefully love this child.  My mother cried when she found out i was pregnant.  And i was 18 yrs old at the time as well.  She got over it very quickly when she started planning the baby's arrival.  

    Is the baby's father involved?  If so how would his family react?  Could you stay with him or his family if you got kicked out of your own?  Or do you have friends that you might be able to move in with if worse came to worse?  

    Please do not have an abortion.  I know it seems tough right now and that you are in a bind.  But things should get better.  Talk to your family first.  Good luck.

  5. please dont get rid of your baby im 18 and 29 weeks pregnant + i have a little girl

    take prenetal vitamins you can get them at walgreens or walmart they would be by the vitamins

    and you can go the the health department and they could help you

    go the dhs and get a medicaid form and get on medicaid so you can go to the doctor for free

    good luck

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