
Please i need help,lost windows pass word

by  |  earlier

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please wold any one no how i could get in to windows with out loosing any stuff i for got my windows pass word,its my compter so im not trying to break in to some one stuff please i need detale help




  1. Follow these steps:

    1. Click start

    2. Click on run

    3. Type in cmd then click ok

    4. A black window should pop up, type in the following

    net user (your windows account name)

    5. Then all your windows statistics should pop up, after that type in

    net user (your windows account name) *

    and yes you must put the star after your account name.

    6. Then a thing should pop up that says "please enter your password"

    Now you can't see what you're typing, so type it, click enter, then confirm your password and you should be good to go!


  3. You probably need to get a rescue disk. Its a disc that you boot from, it lets you access windows and fix problems.

  4. If you still have your windows install disc you can try this...

    I have not actually tried this myself, but I know someone who has, here are some instruction that may help:

    just make sure you read it very carefully & do exactly as it says

  5. loooooool then how are you asking this question?

  6. I don't think there is anyway to do that.. Is there a hint button on you computer? click on it to get a hint. once my computer went crazy on me and wouldent let me type my password even though I knew it. that might have been what happened to you!!

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