
Please i need help fast.

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someone told my boyfriend that i was not a virgin when i swear to you all that iam,and thanks god he doesnt beleive it. im writing this just for me to understand why will someone make up such a lie like this about a person? i mean i wouldnt lie like that on anybody,nor have i ever made up things about other person. please help me understand why such lie was said bout me cause i really dont understand? thank you




  1. Some people are drama fanatics. It is good that you don't let yourself get drawn into this. Try not to worry about it. You will run into situations like this the rest of your life.

  2. The lie was written by a jealous or guilty collegue . It is someone that is jealous of what you have ( a boyfriend and your virginity ) so they start a vicious hoping to force you to lose one or the other . Secondly they may be just guilty that they are the town pincusion and that you are a virgin and she can not compete with you on a boy's level , but let me tell you one thing that is a positive , boy's do not marry pincusions , but they marry the ones thay can take home to mom and dad

  3. The person is jealous of you and wants to hurt you.  

  4. Because people are petty, cruel and vindictive. The most common reason a person insults another for no reason is because they have a low self esteem, and it makes them feel better about themselves if they tear you down a notch or two. If your boyfriend doesn't believe it, then shake it off and forget about it.

  5. Rona, some people in this world just love too stir-up problems for other people honey,they do not have a life of there on and they get off on making others miserable.Do not sink too there level,your better than that.Just live your life and be happy being a virgin until you get ready to get married,or move out on your on.Some other girls want too be shall we say hot-to-trot with the guys,and do all these wild things at a young age,and when they get some bad disease they live to regret there wild ways.When the time comes for you to lose your virginity,be sure you make the guy wear a condom,because as a worker in the health-care system years ago I saw one young woman die of Aids and let me tell you this you do not ever want that disease. When she died,she looked like a skeleton with a thin tissue draped over it.The worst part was she got Aids,because that was during the time before they scened blood,and she was in a car accident and needed a transfusion. The guy that donated the blood later said that he knew he had Aids,but donated the blood on purpose,so some innocent person could catch what he had and die like him,what and evil thing too do. Wait until your ready do not let anyone rush you here me when I say this too you. Just remember this as well,once there done gossiping about you they will find someone knew to pick on.Let whatever they say role off your back like water,from a ducks back,do not get on there level.Pray about it and let God guide you in the right direction,about this and other problems you may face in your lifetime.

  6. Idk maybe that person what u guys to break up or something like that.

  7. Jealousy, annoyance or Revenge are often always the culprits in this situation. I have learned that the hard way, and after a trip the the Conselours office for beating the chick up who said that. (i won just to let ya know :])

    If he doesnt believe it, ignore it. The person who said that obviously was trying to get under your skin. If you show him/her that it did, they will think that they have won. Be strong.

    Best of luck to you.  

  8. Because people are always going to talk smack because they have nothing better to do.

    Don't dwell on it.

    He believes you and that's find.

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