
Please i need your help! i have no clue what to say to this person!!?

by Guest63747  |  earlier

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ok. so my teachers sister is dying of cancer. i sent her an email to ask her how her sister was a few weeks back. she sent an email back just yesterday saying. " My sister has slowed down and in her last days with us. She will no longer be in any more physical pain." im sure tht means she is close to passing. I seriously dont know what to write back, please help me, this is very important.




  1. Simply offer your sincere sympathy and ask if there is anything you can do for them. Less is more when it come to this sort of thing. there is really nothing you can do to make them feel better, but you can offer your quiet support.

    You might say "I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, thankfully she is not in pain. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your family."  

  2. Wait for her to pass away, then express your sympathy with her once it's happened.  The short time before she passes away will be so dramatic and stressful that your teacher might not even want to talk to anyone.

  3. WOW! well I believe that you should just let her know that there are a lot of people there supporting her all the way through anything. Let her know that you will be praying for her and that her sister is in a better place now with God. Tell her that in no way can you imagine her pain but that you will be there for her 100% of the way no matter what....Iono how does that sound?

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Keep it short and simple.

  5. Say:

    I'm glad that she is not in any physical pain, but I'm so sorry for your loss. If you need any moral support then just ask.

  6. buy her a morning book like people write about someone close in theere family died of cancer and how it will help you in the future.

    try to find one and wrap it up and either give it to her or send it to her.

    hope i helped


  7. Just say that you are sorry that she is going though a hard time and ask if there is anything you can do. That's a hard situation.  

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