
Please i really need an answer for this questioin!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i went to my friends house and switched on three lights and switched it off(accidnet, i'm really enviromental)

she said 'omg, you killed about three trees already'

is it true, cuz no matter how i think about it, how can just that kill 3 big trees??

ps:when i say kill i meant the trees used as energy.




  1. you diddnt

    ur friend was exaggerating

    that is quite a bit drastic for switching a light switch on and off

  2. Having those 3 lights on for an hour even if they were 100 watt incandescent bulbs would would only use 0.3 kw hours of electricity costing about 5 cents.  How many trees do you think the power company could chop down and burn for a nickle?

  3. I don't think so. But try to use more PDF instead of printing. In that way you may save 1 tree in your whole life.

  4. Plant 3 trees and tell your friends that electricity doesn't kill trees. paper and industry does... Personally I am planting trees in a council park and I am yet to see a council to pull them out or mow them down... I don't pay for them either - unwanted self seeded ones in a garden will be welcome addition in a park.

  5. no, exageration.

  6. Uhh, no, your friend was either joking or an idiot.  Trees have nothing to do with electricity.  Most of the power in America comes from coal powered power plants.  Some from oil.  Bust mostly coal.  Don't worry about bull **** like switching lights on and off...just don't leave them on when you don't need them.  Freaking out about completely irrelevant things like that is just dumb.  There are far more important things you can do to help the environment.  For instance, you are wasting many watts of energy by going on your computer and asking this stupid question.

  7. No, trees are not used to produce electricity - anywhere.

    Secondly, even if you used a little electricity and that was produced from a fossil fuel such as coal or natural gas, then there was just a little bit of CO2, and other hydrocarbons released.  But for a light bulb, almost nothing.

    Secondly, the CO2 levels have been going up in the world -- causing global warming, etc.  But that doesn't kill tree's. (Ok well technically there are secondary effects by changing weather patterns that can cause droughts or flooding and kill trees, or people, or crickets or about anything else...)

    In fact higher CO2 levels actually have some positive side effects people rarely talk about.  Higher CO2 levels actually make it easier for vegetation to grow, including trees. (Assuming weather patterns don't change too much to offset the effect of higher CO2)

    Now don't get me wrong, the negatives for global warming far out weight the positives, but in any case you didn't kill any trees.

  8. ...But the most important thing for you that your friend was probably was a friend before, just not anymore by some reason you may not aware of.

    She attempts to make you dumb and uncomfortable both at her presence.

  9. your friend is jumping off the deep end.  she's up a creek without a paddle (oh wait, that saves a tree donnit???)

    ask her for proof of her ridiculous claims.

  10. People are crazy.  First of all there's no relation for living trees to electricity.  I guess she should have said something like you burned up a twig from a tree that died a thousand years ago. lol.  Electricity is amazing we do burn alot of coal to get it, but there are other options we choose not to use for other fears.  But keep in mind we get it by waving a magnetic field over a coal of wire.  Thats it in a nutshell.  Relax if you want light turn it on.

  11. I think when you turned off the lights, her own bulb went out.  Do to the destruction of her brain cells, three trees will inadvertantly by your friend one night when they put on too many drinks down, and then drive over the trees in the island of the road.

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