
Please i really need to know! am i overweight?

by  |  earlier

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137 lbs.

how much do i need to lose?




  1. Nope. First of all if you go online and calculate your bmi it is around 23...which is normal. Second, you're at the age where you're hitting puberty and you will gain weight as your body changes, but that is perfectly okay and you DO need to gain that weight. Just maintain healthy eating and physical activity. Check with your doctor if you are really concerned. And don't worry too much... you're only 13.

  2. OMG!! NO I DONT EVENTHINK YOUR EVEN CLOSE TOBEING OVER WEIGHT...but your  making me feel over weight because im 5'1 and weigh like 120 lolbut iguess you can always lose5 lbs to make yuself feel bettre but you tell you the truth i doubt it wil make you feel better...just stop thiking your overweight or fat!

  3. ur not obese. ur not fat. but i do suggest losing at least 7 pds. ur healthy. but the ideal wait would be about 125-130 im 14 5"2 112 pds. and i need to lose about 5 pounds. im not sure though i would look it up to be sure they have online bmi charts. ur NOT fat. good luck! -Kay

  4. loose 10 pounds, the average would be 125. but if you have a lot of muscles dont think your overweight! my friend is really skinny and sord of tall and shes 135 pounds! everyone thinks she was like 54 pounds haha. so yeah, also on On Demand there some really good excercising videos that you can watch and do for free! i do that daily, and it keeps me in shape. glad i could help!

  5. i think your at a good weight

    personally, i would say stay where your at

    at the most, lose only like 5 pounds.

  6. how do YOU see yourself? i would have to see you.. i am 5'1'' and weigh about 125, but people think i weight around 115, it just depends on how your body carries it and if its muscle of fat.

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