For some reason, I was sitting in a bright, tan- colored church. Mass was in session, and for some reason that I do not know, my Mom brought a yippy dog right into mass. Some guy complained in a whisper. Anyways, that's all I remember of that part. Then, I walked down a hall and a staircase, walking through the inside of the summer day camp I used to go to. Again it was bright, except this time it was once I entered a classroom, colored green, purple and red. I saw one of my acquaintances at my high school previously and that she had gained a lot of weight. I then walked outside and saw the setting of an old townhouse complex I used to live in. There was an outdoor shower out in the open I used where everyone could see me showering. My history teacher from last school year, whom I really admired for his knowledge, came and said something to someone standing at the door to the church/day camp and laughed. Strange, huh?