
Please interprate my dream?

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i had a dream i was with my ex and hes family and hes new gf was in it aswell hes mum was talking about not trusting me then we walked up to somebody in my dream my ex and i told them we are inlove and they said they knew we still were oh yeah i also saw my dog and her puppies in there the dog my took to the pound

the weird thing is i dont love the ex i dreamed about and im inlove with my newest ex




  1. for a start, when dreaming of puppies, it means many true friendships. now who your true friends are , sometime we ignore our true friends and go with friends who are not really true to us, so please choose well, since true friends are very hard to fined.

    in regarding to your ex, it all depends how long you have been separated from each other. he may have a new girlfriend and you may have a new boyfriend, it does not mean that you both have no more feelings for each other. there seem to be some feelings there between you both. the best thing is to give things time and see what the future pans out, who nows , may be you both may end up getting together again.

    whats meant to be. will be. our destiny's are already planed out for us all from the day we were all born.

    so good luck and see what happens . remember we all dream for a reason and dreams are messages for us all, just need to work out what they are trying to tell us.

    so again , good luck and all the best for the future girl,  

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