
Please interpret my dream, what does it mean?

by Guest62760  |  earlier

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I had a dream that we were in a cabin and all of the sudden the forest behind us caught on fire. So we were all trying to put it out but it kept on spreading! Soon one of my neighbors told me to dial 911 because it was becoming a huge forest fire. So I went to dial the number when one of my other neighbors grabbed the phone from me and dialed 411. Then the firefighters came and started to put out the fire. I went to a store and bought a soda and then came back and helped put out the fire. Then soon the fire had reached our neighbors cabin and my family just happened to be in their cabin so I saw my mom and dad and sister run out of the cabin but when I saw my brother run out he immediately ran back into the burning cabin. Then a firefighter caught on fire and died but then came back to life and died again. Soon the fire was almost put out when the grass started to burn again!! I tried puuting it out with a hose but then the remaining firefighters put it out. Then my dad sat down and a blue flame rose above him and I screamed and told him to move and then the firefighters put it out. Then 3 dogs came running downstairs from a cabin and one of them was a beagle and I was like, "mommy can we get a beagle?" And then I woke up. What does this mean?




  1. it means that you got out of danger, there is nothing to worry about, good luck.

  2. Fire is symbolic of gayness. You're trying to fight your gayness, but it's hard to control. Were the firefighters wearing loafers? Because that means you're like, superhero g*y.

  3. wow.........ummm i would say that ur not the best of friends with fire and u must have been thinkin about that what could happen if the woods caught on fire when  were next to them. lol idk thats a strange dream. and it was kinda funny when u switched from being afraid of the fire and stuff to asking ur mom if u coulld keep the beagle.

  4. drugs r bad mkay?

  5. Lay off the Peyote.

    "I hate listening to people's dreams. It's like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I'm not in any of them and nobody is having s*x, I just don't care."

    -Dennis, from Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure Freudian dream analysis is not recognized by psychology professionals as scientific anymore.  You'd probably be better off just reading your horoscope for the day.

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