
Please interpret my dream someone???

by Guest64818  |  earlier

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I am constantly dreaming about talking horses, sometimes even half horse half man, and what is really weird is that in my dream I think its normal for these horses to be talking to me. can someone please explain why in the world I would be dreaming of talking horses????




  1. stop watching narnia...........

  2. Our dreams are amazing and often do not make much sense to us. Have you been watching much animal programs or having anything to do with horses?

  3. You have a fantasy for horses, to a point that you fantasize talking with them.?? You know someone who has horse features and that is why   you dream talking to them or making them out to be human?? You watched Mr. Ed as a

    child and your subconcious wants it to be true?? Just kidding, I think you are relating to someone you know and instead of dreaming about them you picture them as horses!!

  4. Thats the most precious dream you had as per the indian mythology, the Half Horse Half man represents the Dhanu Rashi, (Sagitarus), suppose to be the most clever and strong creature of the creator, this also means that you are going to have a big opportunity, or luck or good fortune, gain what ever it be, but somthing really good is going to come your way thats for sure, if you experance in next 4 days please let me know. i'll like to keep a record of good happnings after the dreams

  5. As symbolic potrayal of a running horse for a race,

    the message gives you to be very progressive,

    optimistic  and confidant to  arise more for your

    achievement  and  trial.

  6. Half horses, half men are centaurs. They are supposed to be wise and helpful. Try to find out what are they  trying to tell you.

    You could read up on Chiron. He was a centaur and a healer.

  7. Your horses are symbolic of strength and power.  

    Do you have a new friend or mentor in your life who is encouraging you in personal growth?  Do they seem powerful?  

    Listen to that person carefully, it sounds like they have a lot to offer.  

    Best of luck.  

    I've attached a link to an article, that will link you to a dream dictionary if my assessment was not correct.

  8. If you believe in mortify and reincarnation, you might be a horse back then...xD

    but don't worry it is not that bad...

  9. Centaurs are sometime symbolic of prophecy.  In The Chronicles of Narnia, one of the centaurs was a prophet.

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