
Please interpret my sister's dream?

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my dad's girl friend,her daughter and son,Me,my dad, and her were over my house(apartment) one of the mantnece people knocked on the door they where in a white suit with a mask covering there lower face and wearing goggles. The guy told us to go to an empty Apartment.Her whole class was there.They said to go to the office to grab a white suit and put it on so we left the empty apartment and we followed the guy in the white suit we saw a little girl standing at the end of the walkway she said follow me but we didnt a white suit guy just popped up He said follow me (again)he took us to this Apartment were ther was a fire ther was a TV in front of the door the ring part was playing where she crowled outta the tv she really came out she kicked her and she went back in the TV (wtf)!?the white guy disapeared they rented a van? went in it and dad was drivin my dad was holdin the baby at the same time cause there was no carseat so liz(dadsgf) was siting next to him so we drove away and there




  1. no idea =] soz

  2. I think it may mean nothing...

  3. Your little sister is very upset about the family situation she is living in ; but there not much she can do

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