
Please interpret my strange dream!

by  |  earlier

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I looked out the kitchen window and there were about 4 or 5 black/burnt trees but they were not stiff. Various size trees. Circling the trees outside were hundreds of big black unrecognizable birds (size of vultures.) Some of them flocked to a tree, then they flew away and circled the yard/trees again. One house away my uncle pointed out to me what was going on outside (I didn't see him though) then I heard my uncle's voice and he yelled out one word "ascension!" What does this dream mean?




  1. my guess:

    the burnt trees and black birds represent the death of something, and what your uncle said means rebirth, going higher??

    i'm thinking you need to change something (death of a habit perhaps?) and be reborn and start fresh, better than what was before.

  2. The birds represent  demons and the trees represent the deadness around you maybe things habits in your life you would rather not do. Things that do not bring fullfillment. Ascension (is the way out and upward) you Uncle yelled out ascension is to focus on Jesus. Jesus ASCENDED from the grave defeated sin and the dead things you habitually struggle with. Ask Jesus to forgive and save you from your sins. Hope this helps!

    God also speaks to us in dreams today as He did in the bible.

  3. I KNOW!

    Go to this website, they have like the best answers for dreams

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