
Please interprete this dream for me... Thanks... I am curious about it.?

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In the afternoon, I was so tired so I fell asleep. I had this dream. Currently I am unemployed, but in this dream, I am working in a Chinese family business. The boss is very kind, she let me ride her van to accompany me to go home. When I got out from the van because I have to walk few miles to my home, I saw the sky became red and the light hurts my eyes. And, I saw the San Lorenzo Plaza became park and it is very beautiful.

When I am going to the office to submit my work assignment paper, there is a pool party going on. I have to swim to cross the other side. But, I get my clothes dried easily. There is a dark old woman at the front office. She is fond of me. She came with me inside the office. My supervisory head told me not to let anybody inside the office except the staffs, the old woman is afraid of him and she began to pull me to get out from the office.




  1. well im not a psychologist.. but i think that it means you are happy where you are now and that change might be a bad thing. or you need to stop doing coke. but i think the first answers the best =]

  2. care me not, but dreams are awesome.  I love them, they are a sign of a good immagination.  

    dream means - you are an adventurous person, you have a vivid immagination, you are also emotionally and psychologically stable.  good luck, and good dreams!

  3. Van

    To see or drive a van in your dream, symbolizes convenience and/or practicality. Consider the load that you are carrying and what you can handle. Don't stress yourself out.


    To dream that you are walking on a sidewalk, your steady progress and direction in life. You may be moving on to new walks of life. If the sidewalk is cracked, then it signifies minor and temporary setbacks that are keeping you from getting to your destination. Your dream may suggest that you need to alter your course and make some changes in your life.


    To look up at the clear blue sky in your dream, denotes peace and freedom of expression. If the sky is cloudy and overcast, then it foretells of sadness and trouble.


    To see a hag in your dream, may represent the "Wise Old Woman" figure and thus refers to nurturance. Negatively, to see a hag in your dream, signifies the devouring mother.


    To dream that you are at a park, represents a temporary escape from reality. It indicates renewal, meditation, and spirituality. It is also an indication of a readjustment period after a serious personal conflict or an ending of a passionate affair.  


    To dream that you are at a party, suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself. If the party is bad, then it indicates that you are unsure of your social skills.


    To see a pool of water in your dream, indicates that you need to understand and deal with your emotions. You need to dive right in. Alternatively, a pool may indicate your need for cleansing. You need to wash away the past.


    To dream of your work office, indicates that you cannot seem to leave your work at the office. You may be overworked or have too much on your mind. Alternatively, it symbolizes your status, accomplishments and your place in the world.

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