
Please just answer the question...?

by Guest64810  |  earlier

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There is this older married guy I have liked for 5 months now & we messed around 2wice before but he told me we couldn't talk anymore in Jan. and we haven't since then. Well today when I saw him at the gym, I confronted him b/c he never answers my texts & I asked him if he hated me and he smiled and said, "only when u send me all those texts at once" Well anyway, he didn't have on his wedding ring and I asked him how come he wasn't wearing it and he said cuz he didn't want to and then he told me he wanted to lose it or something like that. He knows that I still like him & want to do him but he jokingly told me to "do" myself and I told him no and he said that "oh its just not the same w/out me doing it?",and I said no, but he never answered me.I think he just wanted me to say that to make him feel good.But then when he walked off with his friends, he gave me that playful squinty eye look and smiled.Do u think he will try to have s*x w/me later? I dont want a relationship w/him,just s*x




  1. F**k you, jezebel, for barking up a married man's tree.  Get your head on straight.

  2. After reading the first few words of your question, I can tell what you are asking is ridiculous.  Guys like that aren't worth it. Please do something productive with your life, that doesn't include sleeping with married men. There's a reason why we can't stop the spread of genital herpes, HPV, HIV, and AIDS.

  3. Yeah, well if this is a serious question, which I doubt, the answer is that what goes around comes around, and if you mess with guys who are married it will eventually come back and bite you in the *ss, bcoz that's what happens.

  4. im sorry but find yourself a non married man- to me it seems like he doesnt want that much to do with you. And yeah theres no relationship, but why cant you have just s*x with someone else?

  5. Instead of going after an older married man, maybe you should work on your personal morals.  They seem to be ... ummm... lacking??!!

  6. hes married...stay away from him.  why would you assist him in doing something awful like that to his wife?  you shouldnt be having s*x before marriage anyways.  As Dr. Laura would call you "unpaid w***e"...maybe you need to reevaluate your priorities in life.

  7. No fun being the "other woman"... What if his wife's crazy and will hurt you?  what if he has kids?  why mess with a guys family?

  8. the jokes probably means he's trying to brush you off he knows he did something wrong and she probably found out and they probably got divorced and he blames you thats why there is no ring

  9. Im sorry, wait no, YOU SHOULD BE SORRY, hes married so what the h**l are u doing ruining a marrage!?!! sure he's a horrible husband, but go talk to his wife, and let him know that he dont give a c**p about her, and that ur trying 2 bang him. thats honestly horrible if u dont have the common sense to know whats right and not

  10. dont u think its wrong to mess with a married man how would u feel if ur husband cheated on

  11. WHY is this in the SOCIOLOGY section!?

    honestly, it should be under family and and dating.

    just know, you are a home - wrecking wh***

    he is MARRIED and you have no business being with him!!!

  12. He told you to go "do" yourself because all you want is s*x, not a relationship.  Stop chasing this guy, he is still married for a reason and he even told you that you couldn't talk to him anymore.  Find someone who is not married, you may have to face consequences if this gets out and the wife finds out.

  13. If a guy sent you texts all the time, confronted you and was all over you; you would probably not pay much attention to him either. You're coming off as desperate and that's really unatractive. Why don't you just ignore him and find another guy to flirt with when his around. It might not get you anywhere but you couldn't do worse than now.

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