
Please let me increase traffic of my blog...I too will help you...?

by  |  earlier

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Hi all,

i own a blog at

and i need your help in increasing my traffic.Dont worry i will help you too.So all you have to do is to

1.Stumble my blog.

2.Digg my blog

3.Comment on my blog(Genuine comments will help)

4.Follow my twitter account

5.Provide a backlink to my blog

6.Add my blog to technorati favourites

Now whats your profit in this all?With your answers put your blog url and twitter account link...I too will stumble,comment,digg and backlink and add you to my favourites to my blog.


PLease help me.

twitter link:

Blog url:






  1. Amongst search engines, Google is the undoubted king: Google powers 54% of all searches in the United States (comScore Media Metrix, May 2004). Inclusion in Google also means that your URL will be included in results from AOL Search, MSN, Netscape Search, Lycos and many more.

    We also submits your URLs to Google and over 270 other search engines and directories, including AllTheWeb, CNET Search, GoSubmit, Jayde, ScrubTheWeb, ExactSeek, Mirago, Search It, Sympatico, DogPile and many more. See below for a full list of search engines and directories.

    Search engines are quirky and may drop your URLs from their index. We recommend you resubmit your URLs regularly. This is why we have added the option to repeat the submission service any time you want from the comfort of your account management interface.

    first you have to submit ur website in worlds best search engines.Because Websites needs good traffic.

    85% of Internet users use search engines to find suppliers and products. Increase your site's search engine exposure and your chances of being found by potential customers today

    Dont waste ur time in some free submitting sites.They dont help you.

  2. I respect what you are trying to do here.  You can go to also.  They have a category for blogs and I think that they only have one listed so far.  You could get the second spot on their category page if no one has already.  I'll check out your blog.  Good luck!

  3. Hello,

    I want to help you but I'm new in bloggers and I don't know how!

    Visit my blogg or send my e-mail with details.


  4. You can get more traffic by trying a  free traffic Exchange service like TrafficSwarm at

    or WebCentreSurf at

    You can try article marketing at an article submission service like and link back to your website in the resource box for your articles.

    You can also comment on popular blogs like John Chow's or Joel Comm's that allow linkbacks to your URL. Do a Yahoo Search.

    Create a video and upload it to YouTube with your URL flashed on the screen. All of these are free.

  5. ·Hi, if you  want FREE advertising  to your site, you should try this site. The process is easy: You  simply click a link and view a website  for a few seconds to earn money. You can earn even more  by referring friends.  The money that you earn for your  clicks can be exchanged for visits to  your website! If you don't  have time to click, you  can also buy visits using paypal for a cheap  price:

    I use it with my site and the results are amazing  :)

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