
Please list supermarket Items you shop around for to get the best price. Thank you.?

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Please list the top 5-10 items you shop around for in the super market. The items like you want the lowest price, and are willing to drive around to find. I am just wondering what items people are willing to drive or price match for. Thank you for helping me out.




  1. Meat--specifically chicken.

    Vegetables, for both best price and best quality.


    Milk (I only drink organic, because I can't take the antibiotics that they feed the cows).

    Pre-made foods (ie. frozen meals), because if I have to eat them, I'm not paying an arm and a leg for them.

    Flours/sugar/baking materials.

    That being said, I never drive around for these things, I usually bike around, because once you pay for gas, it's not worth it.

  2. 1. Extra virgin organic olive oil

    2. Cheese

    3. Chicken, pork and organ meats for my dogs

    4. Organic Fresh produce

    5. Whole wheat organic flour

    6. Ethnic ingredients(rice wine vinegar, tamari, tofu, bamboo shoots, tamarind chutney, spices, chilis etc.)

    That's really it I guess unless I individually broke it up for specific items:-)

  3. I stay at one store.  Never been one to travel for so-called 'better' deals.  I figure I might as well stay at one store, and save the gas it would take to drive elsewhere.  In the end, I am probably saving more money on fuel for the car, than I would on fuel for my body.  :)

  4. 1. milk

    2. meat

    3. cheese

    4. fresh fruit and veggies

    5. eggs (you would be amazed at the price differences in eggs )

    6. fruit snacks (sometimes i luck out and find them at the 99 cent store :)

    7.  breakfast meats (bacon and sausage)

    and last but not least


  5. Don't have to drive around. I get the best prices at HEB's.

  6. steak


    canned vegetables

    ice cream


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