
Please look at my chart...I'm going crazy...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I am 2 days late. I always have had a 12 day luteal phase. I'm 14 dpo

I had some pink streaked CM yesterday morning and have been dry since

My temp has went down a bit but still above coverline

I have had NO AF symptoms and I usually can hardly get out of bed.

My stomach muscles have hurt on and off all week like I did sit ups.

Still getting BFN :(




  1. i think you are implanting honey and it's not done, the brown streak is at my best guess the implanting. if that red lady don't drop off her package to you in another 3 days to a week i say become a POAS addict,lol. Good luck and very sticky babydust.

  2. ONe good sign is the feeling that ypu did sit ups! I had that (only for 1 day) the month I got pregnant!

    Sometimes it takes a good week for some women to show positive on a hpt. Your chart looks pretty good. Your temp is good still, it just needs to stay higher than the coverline.

    If you are not this month, the only thing i can suggest is to bd more around ovulation! it only shows one time. bd before, the day of and the day after.

    good luck and baby dust!

  3. If you just implanted yesterday then you wouldn't be getting a BFP yet so lets just really hope that is what is happening. I hope you are: ) I woke up this morning with the "metallic taste" in my mouth. Maybe we can be belly buddies. Wouldn't that be something. ****Babydust***** to my fellow tww club member.


    It can either mean that terrible witch is gonna show up but it could also still mean implantation. It isn't uncommon to have spotting for 2-3 days.

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