
Please look at this and give comments?

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please read and look at it.




  1. you've been had.

    ANWR is about oil company profits.

    it'll take 10 years.

    it'll lower the price of gas less than a nickel.

    but it'll make large profits for oil companies.

    btw, the heritage foundation is not a reliable source for anything.

    other than, in this case, support for the oil industry.

  2. It's a fact that the area we are proposing to drill for oil in Anwar is eqivalent to a postage stamp on a football field.  That's 2,000 acres (3.41 square miles) in a total land area of 19 million acres.

    Also the area we would develop would be on the barren coastal plain, not the flowered, pristine fields characterized by the "Greenies" and Democrat  liberals who are doing every thing they can to thwart our efforts to develop our own oil resources and reduce or eliminate our dependence on the Middle East.  

    When enough of us rise up and demand we do something, it will be done.  

    This resistance by the liberal Democrats, led by Obama will lead to him being soundly defeated in November.  Thank the Lord!

  3. It looks like a good argument for drilling for oil.  I lived near or visited the oil fields of Texas and New Mexico for years.  The jack rabbits, mule deer, lizards and snakes there don't seem to mind the oil rigs at all.

  4. it is a good read and entertaining.. but it is one sided and doesn't present clearly what the arguments against drilling in anwar war.... if you really want a chance to win your argument that we SHOULD allow it (and there are some VERY good reasons to allow it) i would SERIOUSLY research the arguments... migration path of the caribou  etc  that way you can argue the points that are valid instead of repeating propaganda.

  5. Seems to me that your ticked off with Al Bore and his sheep too.

  6. if u get a potetion to move all of the animals out that would be the best thing, we need oil so just move the animals.

  7. I'm completely against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

    If all the SUV's (just the SUV's...not other cars) got 2 miles per gallon better gas millage, it would be more oil/gas saved, that we are going to get from the oil drilled from the ANWR.

    The Arctic is a terribly fragile eco system, which does not recover well.  In some places, like South American jungle, they would have to be constantly hacking the jungle back from oil drilling.  Some eco systems can recover very, very fast.

    In the Arctic, a tree that is only two feet tall may be 500 years old.  Things grow and recover in the Arctic at a terribly SLOW pace.  The Arctic will never be able to "swallow up" the damage done by the drilling.  

    I'd also like to see a truely realistic cost report of what it will cost to dismantal all the oil rigs and pipeline in the Arctic, once the oil is gone.  

    Those items simply cannot be left in the Arctic to molder, rust and rot.  They need to be taken appart and hauled away once the oil is gone.  So what is that cost going to be, vs. the bennifit cost of the oil?

    Anyone thought about REQUIRING the oil companies profits (NOT Government subsidies) to be put into a special account to pay for the cleanup and restoration of the Arctic after the oil is pumped out?  Bet the oil companies wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole then, because I'm willing to bet those cleanup costs will exceed the value of the oil they pump from the ground.

    Drill for oil in other eco systems which can recover better.

    Address the fact that the Saudis are still being paid only $27 for a barrel of oil, and it is the speculators on Wall Street who are driving the price up to over $100 a barrel.  Pass laws that stop the speculations market in commodities, unless that person/company has a DIRRECT use for the product.

    Demand that SUV's get just two miles to the gallon better millage.

    Those things will make a REAL difference.  Leave the ANWR for the caribou.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  8. Way to go!!

    *Down with Big Brother*

  9. so whats your point

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