
Please mature answers needed?

by Guest45110  |  earlier

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If a wife lies to her husband, does that prove that she would most likely cheat?




  1. Really?

    You mean you have NEVER lied to your husband about anything before and this is the very first time?  Not even a little lie?  Not even a fib?  Not even a teensy-weensy wee little fabrication?

    I am just trying to imagine the ULTIMATE human being who never lied once in her or his life to anyone.

    Now, out of all the perfect marriages out there, the millions and millions of marriages, how many of those perfect marriages do you think there are where someone lied and did not have an affair?

    How many NOT SO PERFECT marriages are there where someone lied that never had an affair?

    The point I am trying to make is that your question is not only silly, it is rediculous.  Just because you lied doesn't mean you are in for an affair and it is inevitable.

    Now, if you are capable of lying and cheating at the same time, I bet the stakes are rather high, you are going to lie and cheat.

    On the other hand, you could just be a liar and have no intention of cheating and never will cheat.

    So where does that leave us?  It leaves us no where.  I bet 100% of the human race, even including the Dali Lama and the Pope in Rome have lied to people and to themselves.  I bet every President of the US has lied at one time or another.  I bet 99% of all the evangelical preachers in this country have lied from time to time.  And yet, not all of them, not even a fraction of them, have cheated.

  2. no, and i say that because if she tells a lie like oh honey your hair is so thick knowing your bold that doesn't mean she will cheat she just trying to make you feel better. try not to read into nothing you will go crazy.

  3. the chances are more likely

  4. it depends on what she lied about. if she lied about hanging out with another man then yeah  she probably would cheat

  5. Lying is closely associated with cheating but doesn't mean that she will cheat.  If she does, she is sure to lie about it.  I guess it depends also what kind of lies she is telling him.  It is definitely a red flag.  

  6. I suppose it's a possibility but not a guarantee. It depends on what she lies about and why.

  7. no lying and cheating are to separate categories

  8. It depends on what she lies about. I've lied about little things that I know my husband will get mad about but are not bad, like talking to my school friends, but I would definitely Never cheat!

  9. Sometimes because we know our spouses so well we make a choice to not  tell things that we know will hurt their feelings or anger them. Its all about the severity of the lie. For example Did she bump into a long time friend (male) who happened to be an ex had lunch an neglected to you that he was an ex or did tell you she was hanging  with the girls but in truth was out with a male companion.  All in all, marriage lends to love, respect and honesty and honestly, if she lied to you there is something to worry about.

  10. It depends.

    I use to lie to my insecure husband but never cheated...he did actually.

    But if you are not insecure and she's lying then she has a need to keep secrets and one of them could be another man.

  11. Lying is different than may want to go to marriage counseling. There maybe issues in the relationship that you aren't aware of.

  12. it can be a possibility

    as lying is where it first starts

    lying to yourself

    then your spouse

  13. if she lied about a serious or important question such as who was she with or where was she at a particular time she most likely would cheat but if she lied about lets say how much she spent on a new outfit or a pair of shoes or something of that nature i wouldn't worry about it. trust and truthfulness is everything in a relationship.

  14. No. A great many people are in the habit of lying whenever it suits them. That makes them useless, not marital cheats. It is obviously quite possible to cheat cleverly and never lie. Not that makes the cheater less useless than the liar, but one doesn't imply the other.  

  15. No lying is a very different matter from cheating.  Sounds to me as if you need to work on your marriage a bit, if you are needing honestly from her and she isn't giving you that.

  16. No, that doesn't mean she is likely to cheat. She could be sparing her husband something that he doesn't need to hear. Not all truths need to be told.

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