
Please my rat needs help!!!!?

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my rat has mommory tumors she has had them about 3 months and i just want to know how much longer she has to live.




  1. Has she been to the vet?  The vet will be able to give you some idea of how far along the tumours have progressed and if the vet thinks that other organs have been affected.  Chances are if they are just mammary tumours then they an be surgically removed.

    If you don't choose to seek vet treatment then I don't know what can be done.  You won't be managing any discomfort and you won't be doing anything to slow the growth of the tumour if it is cancerous.  You won't be looking after your rat the way she deserves.

    Without surgery you will eventually have to euthanize.  It will be a person decision but please don't wait until the  tumours impact her ability to move, or the ulcerate (scabby/bleeding).  The time you have left depends on her general health and how quickly the masses grow.

  2. well, i had a rat with a tumor, we took her to the vet. he cut it out....she died 1 hour after the OP...could not cope with it..  have u thought bout euthanazing?...

    btw my mom let her does live with the tumors, it was awful...the rats were covered with them..all over the body...i had to cry looking at them.... they ate still but could not really was a torture...finally the rats passed away...but it last

    anyway, i feel very sorry for you and your pet

    take care

    p.s. after that i don't trust any vet.... and i try to do my best in treating my pets carefully...

  3. Hi, it could be cancer tumors and they do't mean the rat will die. Maybe take it to the vet and get it checked out, if they went to remove them with an operation though it could be pricey.

  4. aw I'm sorry,they can live quite a while with them,it isn't really useful to bring them to the vet,I know Ill prolly get flamed for saying that but by the time they get the tumors they are so old they would prolly just die in surgery,its best to love them while you have time,and pamper them,and when the time comes you'll know when to get them put to sleep,it sucks I know cause mine died from tumors/old age,but it is quite common in rats...

  5. Take her to a vet.

    We don't know.

    We can't see her.

    We can't see INSIDE her.

    We can't see the tumours, leeching on her and eating her away painfully.

    But a vet can and a vet can help.

  6. Well I had two rats with these, we first had them removed but they grew back. I guess it comes down to intuition. When she can't move around very well and is hindered by the lump and/or she loses her spark then it is time. Rats hide pain extremely well so don't go by appetite or lethargy because that means that they are seriously ill. We took our ratties in a bit early and the vet said they had longer, but it was only another couple of weeks later when we noticed a difference. She couldn't keep up with the other rats and the tumour had become too big a part of her. I don't know how big it is, but three months is a long time, so it might be next week or in a couple of weeks that you decide. They can live okay with a tumour but the tumour will eventually become raw and painful and we dont fully know the pain they are in or the discomfort, rats don't live a long time. She cannot die naturally with a tumour without terrible pain and you just have to say well she had a good life and it's best to end her life peacefully.

  7. well rats only cost $10 and a vet visit is $30-50+meds. But if they will have do do surgery. And i doubt they can really do it on the rat. But rats can live with them for a while. Depends on where it is.

  8. Have you taken her to a vet?! What did the vet say? 3 months.. ?! We can't help you here, she needs to be examined to get a proper diagnosis. You need to take the poor girl to a vet to learn how long she'll live, OR what kind of treatment options there are! Just because she has tumors doesn't necessarily mean she will die. Please take her to a vet ASAP. Good luck, I hope she gets better.

    EDIT: It doesn't really matter if someone has experience with tumors or not. That's what we're saying. She needs to be examined by a vet to determine how serious the tumors are, her lifespan, and options for treatment.

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