
Please name 3 endangered species and 3 threatened species?

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Please name 3 endangered species and 3 threatened species?




  1. Endangered:Red Wolf, Snow Leopard ,Giant Panda and threatened:Gray/Timber Wolf,Franklin's Ground Squirrel,Bald Eagle. hope this helps!


  2. Hi! the three endangered species are probably the sabre tooth tiger, white elephants and the black rhino. Other than that, that sycophantic neighbour of mine, 3 pigeons that insist on crapping on my windowsill and the wide wedged bald eagle of New Caledonia are certainly threatened. Or should be.

    Good luck,


    Sometimes answers are not what we expect them to be. Or make any sense at all.

  3. About Endangered and threatened Species,

    List of Threatened spieces:

    List of Endangered spieces:

  4. Threatened: Cheetah, Lion, Polar Bear

    Endangered: Gorillas, Tigers, all rhinos

  5. this question wont get you very far there are many  thousands

    and it starts at microscopic levels.

    of both flora and fauna

    read my answer in this question to get some idea;...

    Just in Madagascar were thousands of exotic species of plants and animals that have been wiped out like the many species of lemur

    Here in Mexico are also Lemur type animals that are unique to specific regions .

    In the forests above our town in Guerrero ,Semernap( of the Government Environmental group) found 3 species of birds and about 4 species of plants that are Unique in the world ,

    so technically they belong to the endangered list because they are so rare.

    This phenomena exist all over .Species that are unique to a one place,

    With deforestation and loss of habitat or climatic changes ,many of these unique species will cease to exist.

    And many have not been discovered yet because of the remote regions they live in ,and many are Nocturnal

    I have seen animals in Mexico i did not know existed

  6. Endangered:

    Florida Manatee

    Florida Panther

    California Condor


    Grizzly Bear

    Northern Spotted Owl

    Mojave Desert Tortoise

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