
Please need Acting Advice!?

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I am a beginning actor. I have met with an acting coach and plan to take more classes, but I need help with something. Mentally, I very much am committed to being a good actor. I have a good voice, an understanding of human character, and a natural, basic approach to acting. However, I have a terrible fear of losing control. I had great trouble working with the coach when she tried to get me to yell at the opposite character in my monologue. I simply couldn't muster the bravado and passion to do it, but I know I have it within me. I really have a problem with losing control, because I try to intellectualize everything. Can anyone who had these same problems offer any advice or words of encouragement? I really am committed to overcoming this problem!




  1. When you say you have a fear of losing control, my automatic assumption is this: that you're not letting go enough. When you act, you really don't need to over-analyzee. Remember that even though you're acting, you'r still playing a human being, and those feelings are the same feelings you would normally have.

    If just letting go doesn't help, then when you get to the point where you need to yell, imagine something or somebody that makes you mad. then use that energy and just let it out. If you know that you have it in you, then you can do it. And before you start saying the monologue, take a minute to get in character. Close your eyes, run over the lines quickly, and just get into the mood of the monologue. The emotions will come easier.

  2. i know how you feel i have felt this same thing before and simply i just had to loosen up! just imagine your caoch is the person you are screaming at and she is the character so establish your relationship between you two and establish why she is making you so angry acting is reacting and monologues dont give you that much to react to if you arent conversing with others but if you can imagine what the other character is doing and saying you can react and just lose control!!

    best of luck!! happy dreaming!!



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