
Please only comment if you have been here yourself...going thru it now.. or you know somebody who is/has?

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I have recently found out that i have blocked fallopian tubes...also found out that bf has low sperm count..we are trying to concieve but not yet we have had anyluck.....we have been together years on end..i am aware of an operation on the fallopian tubes to get them unblocked but you have to be 23yrs old which i have couple of yrs before that pls let me know if you know anybody i can talk to about this as it is getting me down or anybody who has had the same issue and concieved...pls add me to msn or email me thanks x




  1. hi there, im not going thro exactly the same as u but much the same, myself and partner have been together for 9 yrs, im 25 & he is 28, we have been trying for 6 yrs to concieve, i was told that they thought i had blocked fallopian tubes, i had the laposcopy done and this reveiled that i didnt, they then said i had polycistic ovaries, (i didnt) we have had just about every test done and they can find any problems, sperm count fine, ovaries producing eggs fine, we were even put on clomid tablets still nothing, i just wanted to say i know exactly how u feel, people have many answers but they never seem to help, just hang in there and keep ure chin up, i know its hard, just dont give up. Myself and partner are on the IVF waiting list, we never thought we would get here, still a long waiting game, but im sure well worth it, Email me if u ever want to chat, take care xxxxx

  2. This question does not belong in the mental health category but in "women's health".

  3. My best mate had a sterelisation reversal eighteen years ago. Her new husband discovered that he had a low sperm count and my mate found out that her tubes were pretty much knackerd!! The fertility buffs told them to go off and forget about the whole thing, which they did. She now has an amazing daughter of fourteen, whom she called her "miracle child", and has since had a further pregnancy which she unfortunately had to terminate as the tests showed that there was Down's Syndrome present.  Good luck to you, I hope that by relaxing and forgetting about it will work just as well for you...  

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