
Please peck this poem to pieces if you please?

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Autumn (again).

My favourite time of

the year. Which is

rather perverse now

that I come to think

about it, because

'The Fall' (as our

Yankee and Canadian

cousins insist on calling

it) is all about death

and decay.

Withered leaves

falling from branches,

grass which is parched

and dry.

Colours of brown

and red and gold

against a backdrop

of grey sky.

However, all this

degeneration is but a

prelude to when the earth

will live again -

rescucitated, regenerated,

reborn. Everything

regrows. Reincarnation,

I suppose.

Except that I

don't believe in that

particular philosophy.

(Although I used to, when

I was a giraffe.)




  1. why im not a hen

  2. Your words are sometimes,

    fiercesome to say the very least,

    but in actual fact, I can see

    that humour lies beneath.

    I Like your verse!

  3. The first and last verse need a bit of work, you should take out the explination of fall as i think most people know it is an American term and try to make it (the 1st and last verse)rhyme/flow a bit better.

  4. i think i`m gonna hurl

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