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so i'm not what you would actually call liked at school. most of the teachers there have this thing agaisnt me and my family for some reason.and where i live you gotta have money for people to actuall there is this teacher ''a guy''he's the obnly teacher that actuall talks to me.i really trust him.but the thing is his farther is the i was walking out from the school gate and his farhter called me to his office.i went .the guy just started yelling at me saying stay away from his son .that he will sue me and my family for the c**p we have.he said i want to s***w his son cause i'm poor and i want money.his son is 30.i would never do that.he said if i telll his son i will regert.his son keeps calling me cause i have'nt been to school for ages.i'm thinking of living that danm school.

and the farhter tihnks i want attention cause i was raped and i told his son.

do you guys think i should warn his son with him?

or should i just stop talking to him?




  1. i would just move to an intirely different school. nobody seems to have any respect or compassion for what happened to you. and they just automatically assume the worst. the principle is possibly bluffing. you have nothing that he can sue against becuase youre not going after anything and you dont have anything for him to fight against. i would tell the teacher, but i would also move.

  2. Shouldn't a school principal have a bit more compassion with his pupils and shouldn't he avoid yelling at them for no reason?  

    I'd consider speaking to the education board who run the school about this.  That's a very strange way for the head of a school to be behaving.

    But you might be best to just move schools and start afresh.

    You could speak to his son, the teacher, about this and see what he says.  If he's 30, he should be able to make his own decisions about whether or not he's going to talk to you without his dad getting involved!  But he might also be able to help you change schools if that's what you want to do.


    And learn English (includng spelling).

  4. The principal is lying about anything he is threatening you about.  He has no grounds to sue you unless there is something you are not telling us about here.  I am sure you have done nothing with his son but even if something had happened his son would be guilty of rape (assuming you are underage).

    I think you should tell his son just so that he knows of his fathers suspicions.  If you don't want him to tell his father that is up to you. In addition you should try to discuss with his son just what is making his father uncomfortable.  I know it is hard for you to see the other point of view, but the father probably is worried that his son might make a very bad mistake.  You may be certain that won't happen but I can't fault a father for being worried.  As a parent I understand that.

    Try to work out what the source of worry is and see if there is something you can do to address it.  Of course, if it is blind prejudice then there is nothing you can do about it.

    Leaving for another school is something you can think about but you must be certain that there is some reason why the new school will be better.  There is prejudice in the world today and there probably always will be.  It is wrong but we can't just wish it away.  On the other hand there are good people too even if you have to search hard and wait a while to find them.  Try to be strong yourself and just face others prejudice without letting yourself feel humiliated or weak.  If you stay strong and are determined to be successful in life you can be - and that is the best way to get back at those who are prejudiced against you.

    But don't blame yourself for other peoples prejudice either - it is them who need to change, not you.

  5. The principal was totally out of line...tell your teacher...those are the roles the father and son play in your life...teacher and principal...there are professional standards and the principal has violated them. You are a child under their protection while in school.and he threatened to the teacher.

  6. By all means tell the son what his father said and did. There is no excuse for a principal to behave like that, especially after what you have been through, and he deserves to have his son find out about it. And his threats to sue you and your family are just plain ridiculous.

    Leaving the school doesn't sound like such a bad idea under the circumstances. Hopefully the teacher can help you find a better one, maybe a continuation school where you can also work while finishing school. You can't let them get away with robbing you of your education.

    You sound like a strong person. Don't let that jerk of a principal intimidate or discourage you. You will rise above this and I know you have it in you to create a successful life for yourself in spite of everything. My very best wishes for the journey ahead of you.

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