
Please please help!? A guy that doesn't seem to care?

by  |  earlier

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My closest friend (I thought) and i got into an argument last night. He gave so many hints he liked me, and i really began to like him. He told me he couldn;t hang out all week cause of family things. Turns out he has been hanging out with these 3 girls every night.

He just doesn;t seem to care about the fact we are not really talking, I really miss him. But he sure doesn't seem to miss me he has been being obvious about the fun he has been having.

Every time i log onto myspace i notice he updates his mood so it's posted right on my home page. It went from "getting it on with Sarah Ali and Courtney." to "IS UNBELIEVABLE" to posting a picture of him with some girl he has been hanging out with a lot. When he told me he couldn't hang out all week cause his parents had plans for him. He asked me to the school dance 2 days ago, he was giving hints that he liked me. Before our argument. But now..I'm confused?

What do you think about his behavior? I don't know why he is doing this to me. HELP!?




  1. he's playing games with you..he knows you like him..thats why he's doing it..forget that jerk and you will find someone that will respect you  and not play any kind of games with you.

  2. Move on.  You deserve so much better than a guy who plays with another person's emotions.  There are plenty of guys out there, you just have to look.  

  3. You say,You really started to like him,does that mean you haven't told him yet?If not, then he is trying to make you jealous. If he knows you like him,then he is messing with your mind. What was the argument about? Tell him you want to talk to him and get things straight about your feelings for each other. Don't play games. If you both already said to each other you had feelings for each other than i would tell him either quit playing with your heart or hit the door. You don't need this c**p,you are to young for all this drama. Then i wouldn't give him the time of day.

  4. Don't waste your time. Seems like a chump.

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