
Please please help! Important!!?

by Guest57913  |  earlier

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ok so here is my situation. I've been taking birth control for a month. I started on the first day of my period and it has been my only form of protection. I havent really been taking it the same time every day and i missed a day twice and took the pill as soon as i remembered. Ive been having really bad cramps and feel bloated. Ive been having a really light period that is more like spotting, and my period is usually heavy. Could I be pregnant???




  1. Yes you very well could be. It takes the pills about 3 months to become fully effective and it best to not miss any days during this time period. Its also best to take the pills around the same time everyday to achieve the best effectiveness. Otherwise your pills could work against you in an adverse action and make you get pregnant faster.

  2. i don`t think you are.

    when did you had s*x?

    the pill is protective after about a week, and if you had s*x when you had your period its very unlikely that you are pregnant  

  3. Well,there's always a chance you could get pregnant even if you're taking birth control

    However, I wouldn't worry too much because birth control tends to make your period very very light (which explains the spotting) and a lot shorter than normal. Cramps is also a side effect from the pills.

    Trying calling your OBGYN if you're really nervous.

    Hope that helps  

  4. Normally when you start your pill on the first day of bleeding, you are covered straight away.

    Most women have to keep trying different pills to find one that suits them. So take a test, if that does come back negative, go back to the doctor, and tell him the 'side effects' you are having.

    If it comes back positive, stop taking the pill and go to the doctor straight away.

    Good luck.  

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