
Please please help me, its driving me mad.?

by  |  earlier

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I keep getting thrush down below, I get it twice a month. It only started like this since dec 2007 when i had my baby, i had a Cesarean i was also sterilised. I have had swabs done but every thing came back normal. i don't use soap down there, is there any thing else it could be?




  1. You seem to have what is called recurrent thrush and your doctor can give you preventative pessaries. There are also things you can do to prevent it such as wearing cotton underwear and not douching. There's loads more information on my source website so check it out.  

  2. Heya,

    I would have a read at the following link it should help you alot and answer your question for you and answer some other questions you may have. Maybe print it off and take it to your doctor?

    Hope i helped


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