
Please please help me! im just a kid and i dont know what to do about this spider problem?

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Its the middle of the night. For the past 2 weeks theres been little black spders and flying buzzing insects (i have no clue what they are adn how they can stay alive so long in my room) I need to egt rid of them! Im scared to sleep in my room theres so many spiders in my covers and i dont knwo if theres one or more of those buzzing pests. My room has a few mold spots under my bed, lots of clothes laying under my bed an under things, and my cats in the room most of the time. Is there a way i can get trid of these pets? fast? or go to walmart adn buy something in particular?




  1. serious cleaning, keep pets out of your room, screen in window

  2. Many people find spiders repulsive and scary, yet the majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial. Only four kinds of spiders are known to cause health problems in the U.S.

    Most spider problems can be solved without the use of chemicals.

    The first, and perhaps best, suggested controls are mechanical. Inspect door and window casings in the house for closeness of fit.

    Repair holes large enough to admit spiders.

    Other areas to inspect include entry points of water pipes and electrical lines.

    Caulk any cracks and other small openings.

    More here -

  3. Well if u are just a kid,, tell ur parent about it , then they should take care of the problem ,  but u need to pick up ur clothes and wash them , clear ur room, and set off some bug bombs,,,,,, good luck

  4. mould and food in general attracts the little buzzing pests, and in turn the buzzing pests attract mice. clean up your room first and then see how the pests are. If you have loads of spiders, search your house for a nest, in the garage or attic or garden shed maybe.

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