i have a great life... a mother a father and 3 lovely sisters and a brother... i love my family so much... i have a boyfriend... he is an amazing guy... someone who i never ever thought i would ever get in my life... he is like a knight in shining armour... he saved me from my ex who used to hit me and make me depressed every day of my life... i have a pretty good job with loads of nice people who really like me........ i get quite alot of money... and with that money... i buy drugs.
i buy lsd, cocaine, weed, alcohol... and im sick of it... but i cant help it :(
i want to be happy like everyone else... but this depression has been standing over me like a black cloud for too long... 4 years... since i was 13 years old... i seeked help, but my doctor laughed at me as is i was stupid, so i didnt bother seeking help again... i didnt tell him about my drug problem, because im afraid of what might become of it.. everyone thinks im clean and happy... but theyve all got it wrong :'(
i wish i was dead everyday.
i have a great friend who listens to every problem i have... but im afraid she has enough problems, her mum died when she was 13- since my depression.. and i never got to tell her hopw i feel... now i have a job she has come and worked next to me in a different store and i do enjoy it, i really do..
but i can never be happy however much i try. im so sick of having no money and being ill and tired everyday. i cant stop my lifestyle. sometimes i feel happy with my life (because of all the drugs etc) but sometimes the drugs really get me down and i feel like just ending it all... and im sick of all the sleepless nights...
all i really want someone to listen to me for once... someone who doesnt have enough problems of their own... someone who cares...
please... please talk to me... im so sad :( i really need someone who has no problems of their own and someone who will listen and understand and someone who wont judge me...
i wish i could talk to my boyfriend... but he will never understand... he doesnt accept drugs, but what he doesnt understand is, i cant help it :(
i need someone with drugs experiance and someone to tell me how to overcome it all.... PLEASE
thanks to whoever relplies