
Please please help me... urgent please don't judge me okay?

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i have a great life... a mother a father and 3 lovely sisters and a brother... i love my family so much... i have a boyfriend... he is an amazing guy... someone who i never ever thought i would ever get in my life... he is like a knight in shining armour... he saved me from my ex who used to hit me and make me depressed every day of my life... i have a pretty good job with loads of nice people who really like me........ i get quite alot of money... and with that money... i buy drugs.

i buy lsd, cocaine, weed, alcohol... and im sick of it... but i cant help it :(

i want to be happy like everyone else... but this depression has been standing over me like a black cloud for too long... 4 years... since i was 13 years old... i seeked help, but my doctor laughed at me as is i was stupid, so i didnt bother seeking help again... i didnt tell him about my drug problem, because im afraid of what might become of it.. everyone thinks im clean and happy... but theyve all got it wrong :'(

i wish i was dead everyday.

i have a great friend who listens to every problem i have... but im afraid she has enough problems, her mum died when she was 13- since my depression.. and i never got to tell her hopw i feel... now i have a job she has come and worked next to me in a different store and i do enjoy it, i really do..

but i can never be happy however much i try. im so sick of having no money and being ill and tired everyday. i cant stop my lifestyle. sometimes i feel happy with my life (because of all the drugs etc) but sometimes the drugs really get me down and i feel like just ending it all... and im sick of all the sleepless nights...

all i really want someone to listen to me for once... someone who doesnt have enough problems of their own... someone who cares...

please... please talk to me... im so sad :( i really need someone who has no problems of their own and someone who will listen and understand and someone who wont judge me...

i wish i could talk to my boyfriend... but he will never understand... he doesnt accept drugs, but what he doesnt understand is, i cant help it :(

i need someone with drugs experiance and someone to tell me how to overcome it all.... PLEASE

thanks to whoever relplies




  1. You're trying to do this all alone and that's your biggest mistake that you're making. I can understand your reluctance to tell family, friends and boyfriend (all of my family and friends still to this day have no idea I ver had a drug problem.) So in the absence of someone you know to talk to, you need to seek out a professional. First, you need to find a good therapist you can work with in order to maybe understand why you are doing this so you can start fixing the problem in your head. Secondly, you really need to get to your doctor; he/she needs to check you over just to make sure you've done no long-term physical damage with the drugs and he/she can also recommend a best course of action to detox. Be warned though - sometimes the cure is worse than the disease; If they recommend to send you to some sort of treatment centre - do it. If they offer you some other kind of medication to wean you off the drugs or anti depressants - refuse it. It does no good to 'replace' one drug with another as you will still be dependant on substances to get you through and a lot of the times doctors and pharmaceutical companies only see your money and not you as an individual case and are all too quick to push meds you might not really need.

    When this has started passed or when you start to feel in control of the situation - tell your boyfriend. He's been there for you before, he'll be there again and he might resent you for trying to keep it a secret forever.  

  2. Stacey, please talk to someone professional who has no emotional involvement with you- it's amazing how much better you will feel.

    In the short term, the Samaritans would be ideal, and your GP should be able to point you in the direction of further assistance. You need counselling to help you work out why you feel so lousy and value yourself so little. Once you seek that out, you may find the strength to get off the drugs- you know that's making your life so much harder. There are no short term answers to what you are going through but when the clouds lift a bit, you will see that the sun does shine on you, I promise. Thinking of you and wishing you well.

  3. You sound like my sister 5 years ago!

    She had a Heroin addiction. Eventually after 2 years of using she told me and we got her help we went to a drug counselor and they weened her off of the drug.

    She is now married to a great guy and has 2 children.

    If you talk to your bf about it he may help you again. Should be there for you through thick and thin hun!?

    She did it and so can you.

    I wish you all the best.

  4. Many local councils have dedicated drug and alcohol support teams. You can apply for this service if you are in need of help and support because of your dependency on drugs and alcohol, and you want to do something about it.

    Treatment is given to those who most need it first. In addition, specialist social workers work with people vulnerable to drugs and alcohol misuse, like people who are homeless.

    Carers, friends and relatives may also be able to get support and advice - if you are concerned about someone you know, contact your local council to find out about their drug and alcohol services.

    The National Drugs Helpline is on 0800 77 66 00. It's a free and confidential telephone helpline, which gives information about drugs and drug abuse. It's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Drinkline, the National Alcohol Helpline, is on 0800 917 8282. It offers confidential info, help and advice, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  5. i know it's going to be really hard, but you NEED to talk to your parents. they are the only ones who can get you the help you need. with their help you can find a different doctor who will help you get clean. it might be necessary to go to rehab. you should also talk to a therapist about the underlying problems that made you turn to dugs and your depression. but first you need to talk to your parents so they can help you recover from your addiction. they may be angry at first but that's better than ruining your life with drugs. good luck.

  6. First of all, you are not alone.  We all have problems, some small, some huge.  I cannot say I don't have some of my own, but that doesn't mean I cannot listen to you.  Be brave.  Drugs are overcome day by day, every second, every hour.  Willpower is what u need, and a friend.  Here I am.

  7. well all i can say you got yourself into this mess so get yourself out of this mess,first you cant do this on your own so get help.and second you only get one life so don't waste it,you deserve better.good luck to you is what you!!!! make it good or bad.   :)

  8. My brother had the same problem a few years ago, and I helped him out of it, so I think I can help you.

    Your family seems to love you a lot, so I would tell them right away that you have a problem with the drugs, and tell them you want help. No matter what, they're your family, they'll always love you and be there for you, so don't worry, they'll help you.

    Your family can probably get you professional help, maybe a therapist for depression, and you could go to a rehab center until you feel that you don't crave the drugs anymore. Because believe me, drugs will only make you more depressed, you need them out of your life.

    Once you've gotten some kind of help, I'd get involved in some kind of activity, maybe start going to a gym, or find maybe a club you could join, just something to keep your mind off of what's bothering you. It will really help.

    I wish you all the best of luck, and if you ever need to talk, you can talk to me, my email is  

  9. hmmmmm, try telling your parents (they could kill you, though)

    or try rehab (it works, my brother changed and stopped his shabu addiction). try also consulting for a priest (a priest was the one who convinced my brother to enter rehab). i wish you the best

  10. youre so young, thats a sad story. You seem to have so many great people around you who love you so much.

    Please contact someone in your area about drug addiction, these drugs are altering the chemical balance in you brain which is making you feel depressed and sick.  

    Best of luck with everything

  11. Maybe your boyfriend can save you again.  Tell him to be with you more often so that he can keep you from buying drugs when you get the urge.

  12. Its obvious that doing drugs isn't making you happy. I look at it as if you do drugs on occasion you control them. If all the time as you state they control you. Most people frown on drugs, say there all bad. Then they get drunk, drink coffee {caffeine} To me there's not much difference, just the effect. Yes some are worse than others. It's only a problem if it is effecting your life which yours are. You'll have to do the inner soul search on why you do them. Till you know that answer you'll never be able to quit. Talking to a counselor, they will be able to help because they'll ask the questions that should lead you to the answer. Of course if you lie you won't find the truth.

  13. You don't need us - you need counselling - most towns have a drug co-ordinator that will advise you where to go and who to see.

    This is more deep seated than a simple 'talk to me' -  

  14. Yes, you are an addict, just like me. The only difference is that I'm clean and sober. A good treatment center can do wonders for you if you're willing to change just about everything in your life. I don't know what kind of money you have or if you have insurance. Regardless of that, you can get into treatment. We have two or three of the finest in the country right here in Texas. I'm sure that every state has some excellent ones. Eric Clapton has a treatment center on the Carribean island of Antigua. I heard that if you can get there it's free. If he can get clean and stay clean anybody can.

    The drinking and drugging are only about 5% of your problem. That's why you need to change so much about your life. My heart goes out to you. I know how you feel because I've been there and I will help you anyway I can.

    The first thing you should do is tell everyone close to you about your problem. I know that sounds scary but you'll be surprised at their reactions, and it will be a huge burden lifted off of you. Then you can focus on what you are going to do. If you decide on treatment I can definitely help with that. I have contacts just about everywhere and we can locate the best place for you to go. Just email me and let me know what state you're in.

    Remember that happiness comes from within. It's a product of what we do and the beliefs we stand for. Before all addicts got clean they couldn't think themselves into a right way of acting. In treatment and recovery you learn to act your way into a right way of thinking. Take care of yourself and let me know how you're doing and what your plans are.

  15. hi there well if you need to talk you can email me on yahoo. but at the end of the day it is you who Has to stop with the drugs, I hate drugs hate them I don’t see the point in them but you do need professional help maybe if you find another doctor or go cold turkey. I know it will be hard and depression but just think of the outcome it will have. You seem to have a great life it’s the drugs that are getting in the way, but YOU have to be strong is there no one else you can talk to if you talk to your BF he want understand if he hates drugs he will be blinded by the hate of you using it and will not listen to you. Im sorry to say but you need to get a grip your destroying your own life doing drugs, just try as hard as you can get help you will feel so much better if you do

    Good luck if you need to talk more email me xxxx

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