
Please please please help.

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I wear an invisiline retainer on both my top and bottom teeth, so please don't suggest any gum because it's so hard to chew it. i always brush my teeth at LEAST twice a day, sometimes 3 times. i use mouth wash too. Please no rude remarks by saying "yo man brush your teeth!" i'm just looking for MINTS for powerful, unbelievably strong, fresh breath. any mints that whiten teeth? please help. i would really appreciate it.




  1. Altoids mints top my list.  Tic Tacs are pretty good, but not quite as strong.  Some toothbrushes have a rubberized section that enables you to brush your tongue, supposedly a source of some bad breath.  Good luck!

  2. This is a liquid mint and does not whiten teeth, but claims to be the strongest mint.

  3. listerine breath strips are amazing and give you the best long lasting fresh breath!

  4. i dont know about that. you could suck on a tic tac for a while. or get listerine breath slips.  

  5. If you cut the skin off a strawberry and rub it on your teeth it whitens them. It worked for me.  Have eclipse mints as well they make you have fresh breath.  

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