
Please please please help!?

by Guest58468  |  earlier

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I have these weird moments it happens randomly throughout the day. I start to feel dizzy and everything gets dark, after it gets light and I'm not dizzy anymore I get a chill. This has been happening for like 6 or 7 months and on two occasions when it happened I fainted. It was scary... Oh, and I'm 14 if it matters.




  1. Go see a doctor ASAP.Good luck

  2. Thyroid problems  Go have uptake scan,, It could be diabetis,  or simple not eating enough.  Go to the D.r

  3. well um what kinda sports do u do???it might have something to do with it !!!and if u do action a lot it could be that u might want to c a doc!!!! i don't know it happens 2 me too if i am active and it happens the worst in the summer

  4. I suggest scheduling a doctor's appointment. It could be a variety of things. If you aren't eating enough, that could be the reason why. Also, many people get those symptoms from standing up too fast. The doctor will give you the best advice and answer any questions you may have about it.

  5. i would go to the doctor. i'm not sure what you might have, but maybe some medication can prevent it from happening. good luck!

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