
Please please please there's nothing wrong talking to yourself when reflecting, right??

by  |  earlier

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because that's what im doing.. talking to myself while reflecting and tracing my problem.. im worried that i might be considered as crazy.




  1. No, not at all. In fact, talking to yourself can be a tremendous aid in memorizing things.

  2. I heard it said as long as you do not answer yourself you are fine. No now seriously, when reflecting most of us talk to ourselves either externally or internally. I see nothing wrong with it as I do it myself just not in public.

  3. lol hardly its a recomeneded technique for memory enhancment. i do the same.  

  4. Honey you're fine I talk out my problems before I comfort someone, as long as you don't start talking for the other person as if they're really there you'll be just

  5. lol no

  6. no nothing wrong with it at all, especially when working through a pro/con situation.....

    i do it all the time in my capacity as a senior manager in dealing with both idiot employees as well as work related problems.....and alot of times it's the only intelligent conversation i get some days lol.....

    beyond that, if you have them, talk to your dogs....hahahahaha....they usually are the smartest ones around anyway....

    mine have helped me solve many problems....

    besides with so many people walking around with these idiotic bluetooth things in their ears....who's going to know if you're talking to yourself or someone else?

    nobody will think twice about it if they see you doing it

  7. Not at all...everyone does it. Its when you start to answer yourself is when it gets odd.  

  8. People do that sometimes, you're okay.

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