
Please please read. i need your help.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I am working on this magazine and I need questions to go on there for the Advice Column because the mag. is new and so nobody has emailed in yet with their questions. i have to turn this in by tonight. So if you have any questions (especially dating, cuz don't we all have problems with that.) and don't mind them being in a magazine please email them to:

you can make up a fake name or use your real FIRST name and age. thank you sooooooooooo much if you can help me. and please don't put any of your questions on here.






  1. yeyy i sent you one =] its a bit farfetched but true so....yeah. anywayy good luck with your magazine =] oh and i forgot to write that im 15 sorry.

  2. Why don't you just make up some questions? Things like:

    What is the best way to ask someone out?

    What is the best outfit to wear on a date?

    What foods should I avoid on a date?

    You get the idea.

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