
Please pray for Madeleine Mccann?

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Please pray for madeleine Mccan.. Im british and i live in London, I cant stop crying when i donated alot of money o help find madeleine, shes still missing, PLEASE pray for madeliene Mccann..

PLEASE pray for Maddie, She needs her family, as her family needs her, The story of her missing touched everyone's heart and you know it, Please Maddie Come home!!! All the fliers of you everywhere in england.. Maddie, we love you come home..

Maddie's family picture,,5656282,00.jpg




  1. Yeah no thanks to her irresponsible selfish parents. I would if I thought it would help but I don't think the child is alive and I will never give one penny to her contemptible parents.

  2. I'll take it you mean well, but are you mad, or just feeble minded? the poor child is long gone....ah, the penny's dropped, you're part of the team! tell them they've lost all remaining shreds of credibility by refusing to return to Portugal for the reconstruction.

  3. Get life Cammill B  You need to look after yourself and not be sucked in to the hype that has surrounded this fiasco for the last year. Spend your money on yourself. If praying helps you to feel that you are doing something to help then so be it but donating money to a lost cause such as this is a total waste.

  4. Always do,

    thank you for keeping Madeleine in your heart and mind.


    thumbs down ?  How strange !

  5. you dont think that the mcCanns have enough money already?

    i mean.... millions of pounds already in donation from celebraties... and now you want do give MORE....

    start thinking about the other missing children around the UK and world...

  6. the mccanns can go suck my left nipple

    i dont support child neglecting murderers

  7. I would love to, but I thinkGod is already sick of hearing me pray for this girl when I;m currently praying for 32,500 families who have lost loved ones in china and countless more with the natural and man-made disaster in Burma...

    god help us all

  8. yes i will and i will pray for all the people who are suffering

  9. wait a min. this is the little girl that went missing when the parents left her and the other kids ALONE to go eat dinner.  nuh uh...something is a lil fishy about that story if you ask me. sorry but I am not gonna be another poor sap to fall for their con.

  10. yes I am praying for her, and Ive still got a poster on my car a year on.

    It is lovely to hear that people havent forgot her, lets stop focussing on what the parents have done and concentrate on this charming little girl.

    I will not take the poster off my car it is staying on, we dont know that she is dead because she hasnot been found

  11. yeah & thousands died in burma & china

    in my opinion the monies better spent there MATE

  12. I will. May Madeleine come home soon.

  13. Such a shame.

    I will most definitely keep Maddie in my prayers.

  14. Have the McCanns resorted to spamming now to get a second home?

  15. For once, I agree with Shambo.

  16. praying wont bring her back..

    she has to be the most prayed about child in the world and she still isnt found !!

  17. **** her, many people go missing every day, why is she so special?

  18. I'm sorry, I just don't think prayer does anything at all. If there was a God, I think the world would be a much more balanced place.

    Anyways, what really burns me about this case is that its just another example of media bias and racism. If Madeleine had been a poor girl from Harlem no one would of heard about this case. It would be pushed under the rug. Disgusting! But because she's a cute blonde with upwardly mobile parents she gets all this attention!

    I find the McCann's story suspect as well. Kind of like the Jon Bonet Ramsey case.

  19. Good for you love xxxx

  20. Whats the point she's probably already dead.

    Did you realise how many people were killed in Burma recently? I think they probably need my prayers a lot more than the McCanns do - they probably would make better use of my money too!

  21. well done, you have the satisfaction of knowing you paid for the McCann's mortgage.

    Also, i would pray, but i'm not religious, so i doubt it would make any difference. And pray for the girl? pray for the parents! They've got a lifetime of guilt (well deserved) ahead of them.

  22. where do you start where do you finish do prayers work look around everybody as their feelings and prayers for something why weren't mine answered for my kids it breaks everybody heart always will yes i will pray

  23. thank you i will keep her in my prayers i wish she is found safe and well

    chinese x.x.x

  24. Wow, have you been scammed or what? Madeline McCann is dead! Her parents either paid someone to kill her while on that trip or they did it themselves. They should be in jail and charged with murder.

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