
Please pray for my family and our shelter.?

by  |  earlier

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me and my family lost out home to foreclosure.

our bidget is very tight. and expenses are high.

we found a great house for rent. its a dream home and its farly affordable.

although our credit it very low.

please pray for me and my family that the landlord finds a place in his heart to lease his house for a year.

please and thank you





  1. I will pray for your shelter if you will pray that I dont hunt some MS13 member down tonight and kill the idiot..

  2. I pray for you. I pray that you will never have to worry about shelter again. I pray that you will find a reason for all of this turmoil soon: an answer from a loving God: a reason why.

  3. I will pray and I hope that everything

    works out for you and your family.

  4. Heavenly Father i approach your throne of grace once more in the name of Jesus. Dear Lord, it is times like these that we need to see you in all things. I pray now that you will visit this family and encourage their hearts. It cannot be easy Lord going through all this and i know the stress and worry that comes with it but i pray that you will show yourself powerful in their situation. Speak to the heart and mind of this landlord Father and let them find favour in his eyes. Open a way for them Lord because your words says that you always provide a way of escape. Open their eyes that they might see this way Father. Thank you  for hearing my prayers. Thank you for the victory that is already theirs. Open doors of blessings for them now as they look to you bay faith in the name of Jesus. Amen

    † Dvoted2Jesus Prayer Warrior  Ã¢Â€Â   

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