
Please provide me with your honest opinion. We are trying to conceive

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My cycle seem to be off. Dont know why. Doctor said everything is fine. However, no baby yet. My cycle is like this:

Jan 21st

Feb 21st

March- no show

April 1st

May 3rd

June 17th

July 30th

What is going on here. Because of my screwed up cycle I am unable to tell when I ovulate. Any suggestions as to why my cycle is all over the place and how can I get it back to normal?




  1. I don't think you can get it back to normal, unless you go on birth control for awhile which doesn't seem to be what you want.  I would get an ovulating kit and use that and your temperature to guess when you are ovulating.  

    Good luck

  2. My cycle is really abnormal too.  I bought a clear blue fertility monitor.  It is expensive (about 200 dollars) but it will figure out when you are ovulating if you stick with it.

    If you recently stopped taking the pill, it may take up to a year for everything to regulate.

  3. I had a similar experience last year, My doctor did NOT do any testing. I changed drs 3 months ago and was diagnosed with PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It causes my hormones to be of balanced and prevents ovulation. My new Dr put me on 100 mg of Clomid on days 3 - 7 of each cycle and i ovulated 12-17 days after taking the medication. I took it for 3 months and now I am waiting to go to dr to get otc preg test comfirmed. Ask your Dr if you should have any tests done to see if you are ovulating. Good Luck!

  4. Stress can change your cycle. So can a change in your weight or workout routine. I would just relax and have lots of lovin' all the time.

  5. hi there

    well first of all let me tell you some things other than pregnancy that can cause an abnormal cycle. STRESS that is the biggest cause for missed and delayed periods. and the fact that youre stressing yourself out cause youre wondering why you have a missed period causes even more stress which delays your period even longer. trust me i know from experience lol. how ever if there is even the slightest chaance that you might be pregnant wait a couple more days and take a preg test. good luck!

  6. I'm not sure why the cycle is like this or how to get it back to normal. But if you want maybe try taking you BBT. You can chart on After 2.5 yrs I tried this (also BD everyday except like 3) and in the first month I got pregnant. It may help. And also could pinpoint a possible ovulation time.

  7. I don't think your cycles are messed up.  Except the March cycle, you said you had no period?

    You could be ovulating late in a few of your cycles.  Have you bought any ovulation predictor sticks like the Clearblue Smiley to detect your LH surge?  You really should begin doing this if you haven't.

    What kind of tests did the doctor do?  Did he give you a progesterone test to check your levels of progesterone.  Anything over 2.5 means you've ovulated.  Have you had a transvaginal ultrasound?

    If you want to ovulate earlier try Maca.  Maca is a powder, a strong herb, that can help with ovulation, fertile mucus.  You can buy it at

    Maca was making me ovulate much earlier, but for me, I don't think that was such a good thing.  Still not sure about it, but it really doesn't matter anymore.  Anyways, Vitex taken in the Luteal phase helps with progesterone levels.  If you feel your LP is short or low, try Vitanica Vitex at

    I have other herbs posted on my web site if you want to read on them.  It gets tiresome to type the same thing over and over so I included a link in my profile of the web site.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Try progesterone cream.  It's effective in making your cycle normal.  You just rub it on your skin.  And kids born from Moms using progesterone creams have been noted as smart kids.

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