
Please put this under NEWS & EVENTS, Why is Casey?

by  |  earlier

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Anthony being treated with less rights than are afforded to the rest of us.?? Am i alone in feeling that she is getting railroaded ? Whatever

happened to innocent until proven guilty ? Maybe someone does have

this child either taken by someone she knows, and she feels that no harm will come to her as long as she keeps her mouth shut, could be drug related and she feels that once shes out she can straighten it all out. Or maybe she just got tired being saddled with a child and either gave her away, or sold her

''WHATEVER IT IS IT IS WHAT IT IS, and we are getting nowhere fast

with her locked up in County. Bottom Line two wrongs do not make a right,and what is being done here in the name of justice is truly an injustice, This is plain and simple flat out wrong.




  1. You must be a very nice person and think that she deserves some justice. I understand you. I tell you that in my opinion, she deserves a gang of moms to kick her *** over and over again until she talks. I would be more than glad to be one of those moms..

  2. I hear you....but if my child was missing for a month before I told anyone....why would I do that?  I would not feel that my silence would straighten it out.  I would have been screaming and calling the police from day one.  Saddled with a child and gave it away to go clubbing, maybe.........Let us see how it plays out.  I hope and pray they find the baby.

  3. What rights is she not getting? I do not understand your point at all. She is the number 1 suspect in the death excuse me MURDER of her 3 year old daughter if I was the judge I would have denied bail PERIOD!!!!!  

  4. She has not been saying the truth. That makes her suspicious. I don't think she gave the baby away to some one she could trust. None of that could of happened.

    What the h**l was she doing with a shovel and gas in her car. Why did she lied about taking the baby to a so called baby sitter. That was a lie the baby sitter did not exist.

    Justice for her?, I don't think so. If anything they  should water board her *** to make her  talk. Only she knows what happened to the baby and she is not saying nothing. Any good mother in her case would be talking to anyone who  can help find the baby. She was just busy clubbing. Give me a break, she is a pathological lier. I hope they find all the prove they need to keep her away for a long, long time... I don't feel sorry for her at all...

  5. Why?  How about because it's pretty obvious she knows something, and won't talk.  You know, it doesn't look good for her kiddo.  The odds are that she did in fact kill that baby, or she knows where she is.  She was photographed out in a bar the next night with friends, and men in her lap, while posing with the biggest smile on her face, without a care in the world.  Hmmmmmm, can't imagine why the police are so focused on HER as the prime suspect in the disappearance of her child!   Wake up, and smell the evidence that points to her.  Lose the rose coloured glasses while you're at it too.

    <<<right-have you got any children of your own?

  6. She is a hot babe. I would like to go out with her and bed her down.She did nothing wrong to her kid.

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